Tuesday, December 27, 2022

It's always about race, isn't it? Gimme a friggin' back here...

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it - Shakespeare was right. 
I can't even comment on this it's so fuckin' ridiculous. 

Read the article here and see if you don't agree with her sentiment:

Christmas may be over, but there's always someone's
birthday and anniversery to remember.

Click on the picture for information on these beautiful handmade earrings. 
The pair is only $20.00 and that price includes free shipping. 
 What woman wouldn't enjoy a thoughtfull- and tasteful gift like these earrings?


  1. Come on, man. You should know by now everything is racist: Air. Water. Food. Earth. Space. People. Language. Thought. Knowledge. Animals. Paint. Computers. Electricity. Fire. Books. Carpet. And on, and on and on...
