Tuesday, December 27, 2022

if he didn't have that crazy hair, he'd probably be a good President. Sorta...

The amount of money your Government pisses away every year is frightening, Thankfully, there's at least one guy who dilligently bird-dogs the crazy spending, but sadly no one puts a stop to it.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Friday continued the annual tradition of celebrating “Festivus,” airing out his many grievances as it relates to government waste.
Paul’s 2022 Festivus report highlights $482,276,543,907 in government waste and includes $2.3 million used by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for an experiment involving injecting puppies with cocaine, $202,000 used by the Department of Defense (DOD) on Starbucks espresso machines, and $3 million for the construction of a Gandhi museum.

Click on the picture to see his reporting on this on his Twitter feed.


  1. How much does the AOC experiment costs us, the "let's see if we can elect an idiot" research.

  2. Bout damn time we make it a felony for elected officials to overspend like this.
