Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I wonder how much kids these days are taught about what happened on December 7, 1941 and how it galvanized our nation in to action.

Very rare color photos of the attack. The website said they're not colorized. Can't say for sure if they are or not...   




There was little doubt, at least in my mind, that this would be the outcome of this special election. It points to one simple fact. The Republican Party (of which I am not a member) has to do a MUCH better job putting candidates forward if they are ever gonna have a chance to beat Dem incumbents. I'm sure Herschel's a nice guy, and he's certainly got the football thing before him, but when he speaks, he sounds like a backwoods, eighth-grade dropout. The national party also needs to step up it's game to compete with the Dems. Warnock out-spent Walker almost 4-to-1 in the runup to the special election. McConnell and the Senate Republicans should have poured considerably more resources in to the state. No idea why they didn't. Juss' sayin'...


If the Yankees shit the bed on this, there'll be hell to pay for management if he ends up trotting off to the City by the Bay. 
Ya know, legacy might be important to this guy, and he knows he's gonna hit a shitload more HR's in the next ten years. He can hit 'em in SanFran just as easily as he can in the Bronx, because he hits to all fields. This is an interesting little article:


In Branch Brook Park in my old neighborhood in Newark there was (and hopefully still is) a 'Dead-man's hill' also. Kids being kids pretty much everywhere, I'd imagine if it snowed in the winter where you grew up, you had a 'Dead-man's' something or other nearby where you lived, too...

How could you keep on driving if this was what you were seeing through the windshield? I wonder where this is...

US Army Rangers captured this magnificent car at the end of WWII at Berchtesgaden, Germany. It's Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring’s Mercedes 540K with an armored body and bulletproof glass. I wonder what ever happened to it...

Does someone you know deserve something 
a little 'special' for Christmas this year?
Christmas is only three weeks from now, ya know.
You still have plenty of time to get this...
Click on the picture for information on this elegant
handmade bracelet. It's only $ 54.00 with free shipping.
 You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here on her website: 

This is a British brand of mustard - I don't know if it's available around where you live, but if you like hot and spicy, you'd love this stuff. Takes a normal hotdog to a whole new dimension. Whenever I go over to visit TJ I grab a bottle to bring home.

When does 25 years seem like a lifetime? 
1: When you're 25        2: This month
Moved back to the states from St. John 25 years ago this month. Impossible to believe.

From The Guardian - San Francisco lawmakers voted to ban police robots from using deadly force on Tuesday, reversing course one week after officials had approved the practice and sparked national outrage. The city’s board of supervisors voted to explicitly prohibit the San Francisco police department (SFPD) from using the 17 robots in its arsenal to kill people. The board, however, also sent the issue back to a committee for further review, which means it could later decide to allow lethal force in some circumstances.
The U-turn came after the majority of members on the 11-person board had voted last week to allow robots to be armed with explosives and use them to kill people “when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD”. The board had also added an amendment saying that only high-ranking officers would be allowed to authorize deadly force.
The lesson learned here is simple. If yer gonna do shit like this, don't talk about it in public - just fuckin' do it. I'm sure NYPD and Chitown and a bunch of other big cities have shit like this. Yer in the Land of Fruits and Nuts ferfucksake - of course the denizens would  bitch about a killer robot. They all saw the movie, didn't they? Juss' sayin'...


My wife is a truly twisted individual. Maybe that's why I hang around with her...

I tend to agree. Fuck the steroid bullshit. Takin' 'roids may make you hit the ball ten feet further, but they don't do shit for eyesight or timing. Everything has to be considered within the framework of the times in which shit happens. I do agree that Maguire should never be in the Hall - he's is just a complete fuckin' asshole, but Bonds? The numbers don't lie. Did you know he was so feared by some pitchers that he was once intentionally walked. With the bases loaded. In  a tie game. With two outs. That's a pretty impressive rep to have if ya havta have one...

Speaking of my old neighborhood, this hot dog truck was owned by a buddy 
of mine I grew up with. Gino died a while back and now his kid Gene runs it. It's been on this  same street corner every day, 364 days a year, for the past 30 years. The best fuckin' dirty water dog ya ever had. And I've had my share. I guess 'Chris' was the guy Gino bought it offa so many moons ago. Never thought to ask. 
At the Home Depot near me there's a guy who sets up a hot dog stand every day - I guess the store and him made a special arrangement, but whatever. Anyway, he has a pretty good Dog also - he uses Sabrett's Dogs. They're $ 3.00 apiece now and he's struggling to hold that price. Sucks, don't it?





  1. The drawing of Florida is missing the section of tweakers and meth labs.

    Funny how at 11pm last night Hershel Walker had 51% of the vote and Warnok had 49%. Until GA gets rid of the Dominion voting machines and crooked poll officials the Dems will continue to win.

  2. Images 2 & 4 are the same, but reversed.

  3. The Pearl Harbor photos are mostly real photos with a whole lot of photoshop modifications and colors, in other words heavily faked. The famous film of the Arizona being destroyed by a magazine detonation was taken in color but only black and white copies are available. Some early WW2 combat film was in color as it was included with the camera purchase but later only black and white was used for combat photographers.

  4. "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" is probably the most effective advertising slogan ever.

  5. Some of the Pearl Harbor pics look like stills from Tora! Tora! Tora!
    Mark in PA

  6. As of 2013 they claim to have found that car...


Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...