Wednesday, December 28, 2022

How many times can Whoopi apologize?

This hateful cow is getting away with it again. It's amazing how people on the left are allowed to get away with stupid shit all the time.
 I wonder if Obama will ever be made to apologize for the 'You can keep your doctor and keep your plan; bullshit? Yeah sometime about two weeks after he's dead, maybe...
New York Post - Whoopi Goldberg has once again apologized for her comments claiming that the Holocaust was “not about race.”
A rep for the 67-year-old provided a statement to The Post on Tuesday, just days after a recent interview in which she reiterated the same Holocaust slur that got her suspended from “The View” last February.
“My best friend said, ‘Not for nothing is there no box on the census for the Jewish race. So that leads me to believe that we’re probably not a race,’” Goldberg had told the Sunday Times of London. In her new statement, she attempted to clarify that she was simply referencing her past hurtful remarks, not “doubling down” on them.

“Recently while doing press in London, I was asked about my comments from earlier this year. I tried to convey to the reporter what I had said and why, and attempted to recount that time,” Goldberg began. “It was never my intention to appear as if I was doubling down on hurtful comments, especially after talking with and hearing people like rabbis and old and new friends weighing in.

“I’m still learning a lot and believe me, I heard everything everyone said to me. I believe that the Holocaust was about race, and I am still as sorry now as I was then that I upset, hurt and angered people. My sincere apologies again, especially to everyone who thought this was a fresh rehash of the subject. I promise it was not.

Christmas may be over, but there's always someone's
birthday and anniversery to remember.

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  1. I heard she's changing her name (once again) to Oopsi! Goldberg.

  2. Even though they look very similar, I have more respect for what just dropped out of the back end of my neighbor's cow than I have for that absolutely worthless assembly of atoms.

  3. Ease on her please. If she does not say stupid things she'll lose her job; THAT's what is is hired for.


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