Thursday, December 29, 2022

Are we really all idiots or is it that the media thinks we are? I just don't know anymore...

The incredubly stupid and polarizing piece in Time Magazine titled 'The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise' preaches the activity as a pastime was started in the early 1900s, by white Americans who sought to strengthen their race amid rapidly increasing rates of immigrations and the recent abolishing of slavery.
 Those statements were made by 'exercise historian' Natalia Petrzela, who was interviewed by the publication after engaging in what she called an in-depth study into the origins of calorie-burning activities. 

The Columbia grad (of course she is), a self-professed fitness scholar, supports movements such as Defund the Police and Black Lives Matter, and preaches the use of terms such as 'cisgender' and 'white privilege. Released on Thursday, the article was heavily mocked on Twitter, with dozens taking to the platform to insist stories like these are destroying the publication's reputation.

It's hard enough to believe someone has the balls to write this drivel, but it's even scarier that someone would publish it. If you have the stomach, the article is here:

1 comment:

  1. So many headlines just make my eyes glaze over. Another White Supremacy plot, more Raaayciss crap,, I shrug and go on


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