Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The house that Zuckerberg built is crumbling. Good. Fuck him...

Mark Zuckerberg 'apologized' to Meta workers after sending an early morning email that the company will cut 11,000 jobs amid soaring costs and a weak advertising market. 
The Facebook founder told executives in a meeting yesterday that broad cuts will be announced, with recruiting and business teams to face losses. Employees received the confirmation about the cuts in a company-wide email which was sent at 6am EST this morning. Zuckerberg told employees that he 'got it wrong' and he 'takes responsibility' for all of the problems which caused him to make job cuts of around 13 percent of Meta's workforce. 

It is the first time in Meta (Facebook's)  18-year history that they will be making major layoffs, which follow 'redundancies' at other major tech companies including Twitter and Microsoft Corp. 
Taking a page out of Twitter CEO Elon Musk's book, Zuckerberg, 38, sent the early morning email to all employees letting them know the company had lost two thirds of its value.
Facebook has (or had) 90,000+ employees? Holy shit.

- Photo and some copy courtesy of      


  1. The economy is tanking so bad that FaecesBook has lost two-thirds of it's value thanks to the idiots in power yet EVERY SINGLE emoloyee there will continue to be faithful commie leftist voters. F**k em. Let em suffer.

  2. does anyone have an extra hankie?

  3. He should ask the democrats the $400 million back that he gave them in 2020 to steal the elections.

  4. 90 thousand + employees and 75% are leftist "fact checkers" I am laughing about it.


The absolute magic in the second bridge - the second guitar solo for you people in El Segundo...

A very good argument can be made that this is the single best live recording  of any one song by any one group of musicians.  This was - goo...