Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The hell with the golden egg. Let's kill the goose...

Home Depot workers in Philadelphia are deciding whether to form the company's first unionized store. Voting begins at a Home Depot location in Northeast Philadelphia, where more than 260 employees are eligible to vote on whether to join the Home Depot Workers United, a new independent group formed at the store. The results of this vote are expected Saturday night, but this being in Pennsyltucky, they may not be made known for weeks.
If the union prevails, it would mark a historic moment for the country's largest home improvement retailer. And it would add another name to this year's list of chains facing first-ever unions: Amazon, Starbucks, Chipotle, Trader Joe's, REI, Medieval Times and Apple stores.
Starting pay at this particular store is $ 16.600 per hour. Most store employees are not full-time (less than 35 hours per week).


  1. If they vote pro-union, watch HD close this store due to excessive shoplifting losses. And I'll cheer. I was in UFCW for 13 years; I am not a union fan.

  2. I was in a Union many years ago, in three different locals. Unions are not run for the betterment of the people they represent, but the heads of the Union and the Company as it makes it easier to control pay and benefits. No Unions are better for workers as the states and Feds have put in laws that control the companies over workers.

  3. My uncle owned a string of lumberyards back in the 60's. When rumblings of the employees wanting to go union started he rented a gym, shut down the stores for a day and brought all of the employees to the gym. He told them that they were already getting better wages and benefits than comparable union employees were receiving and that they had one choice to make. He said he had enough money to live the rest of his life on and that that if they voted to go union, he'd shut down every one of his businesses, lock the gates, turn off the electricity and water and let it all go to dust. He said "You're all here. Vote. Let me know your answer." And he walked out.

    Those lumberyards stayed in business for years afterward.

  4. I had always been under the impression that Home Depot was a great place to work if you were in the trades. THe stock options, consistent work, lack of back-breaking work, and you can pick up side hassles if you want. Expect a bit of that to disappear in a unionized shop -- especially the stock options. Combine the smaller benefits with the union dues, and the workers will most likely be worse off.

    Note: There's a good chance that they'll grandfather in the employee stock purchase, meaning it only hurts new workers.

  5. If they vote to unionize, I hope Home Depot shutters the place.

  6. "Union.....when it absolutely, positively has to be brought in over budget and past the completion date"
