Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Look around you. More than half the people you see are incredibly stupid...

 The 'Red Wave' never really happened, it's November 
and I have a hurricane preppin' to blow 
straight up my ass. WTF is going on...  

Hurricane season is supposed to be over. Fetterman won 
in Pennsyltucky. NOTHING makes sense anymore.  



Conditions in a Russian penal colony are notoriously grim and high-profile prisoners have previously spoken of 'slave-like conditions'. US officials have spoken about a prisoner swap for Griner and Paul Whelan - who is serving a 15-year sentence for a spying conviction, but Moscow has appeared irked at talk of a prisoner swap. In late October, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a conference call with reporters that 'we always say that any contacts about possible exchanges can only be conducted in silence under a tight lid on any information.'
I knew , sooner or later, somebody was gonna come up with some kinda dick joke about this idiot who 'forgot' she had hash oil in her luggage. I'm glad it was me. Juss' sayin'...


Former President Donald Trump, who has frequently hinted at running for president again in 2024, said on Monday that he had a “very big announcement” coming Nov. 15. “I’m going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 15,” Trump said at an evening rally in Ohio.


If Germany had won World War One...
The Turks would have taken Florida and The Japs woulda taken California? The Jap thing I get, but the Turks in Florida?



Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced Wednesday that it will lay off more than 11,000 employees as the company struggles financially amid high inflation and a possible recession in the future. 

If you've never had at least one lunch in a place like this - in any city 
anywhere  - you haven't lived a full life. It's the truth, my friends...

As a kid growing up in a predominately Italian-American enclave in the only 'nice' section of Newark, NJ, back in the 50's, summers were a very special time for us. Trucks like this would roam the streets stopping at random spots and play music over a loud speaker. Parents would here the music and bring their kids out to ride the rides that probably only cost a nickel or a dime at that time. It was an amazing time to be a kid - no doubt about it.


I wonder why it is that anything inanimate that's newsworthy - or worth talking about at the very least - has to be given a name of some sort or another. In this case, the name for this weird shit is Kummakivi. Got that? It's a 550 ton rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years. 
If it was anywhere here in the US, some jerkoff kid would have tipped it over 150 years ago. Juss' sayin'...


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has won reelection, defeating Democrat former Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, who has now run unsuccessfully in presidential, Senate, and gubernatorial campaigns. Maybe now he'll ride off in to the sunset and fall of a fuckin' cliff.

Sometimes natural lighting is a photographers best tool...

Anybody got any idea what they're trying to say with this sign I saw on my plane coming back from Ireland? So ya know, there wasn't a door or a hatch anywhere near whatever the fuck this is supposed to be. Chime in if you have a clue.





  1. That un-ass the aircraft sign means "your choice, you can find an exit by going forward or by going back".

  2. Riding the prairie out here in Kansas, I had an epiphany about the idea of equating us to sheep. We're not like sheep at all. We're cattle. And I think about this every time I see them.

    Next time you ride by a field of cattle, watch them mostly "not" watch you. Most all of them will never acknowledge your existence in the slightest bit. Oh a few will lift their heads, having heard a sound, but they will not look toward you. Something shifted within their bubble, but it did not actually break through. And a few, a very rare few, will look in your direction.

    These are us - all of us. Most all will not pay any attention at all to what's going on in our world; going along day to day living our lives however the world works it out for them. They're the ones who kept hearing RED WAVE RED WAVE and decided enough others would carry the vote. Look at the voting numbers, of how many chose not to vote, to get a good look at the largest group of cattle to fall into this category. Then a small number will hear the sounds of discontent going on in the distance, lift their heads but make no effort to actually focus in on the what's changing in their world. Something's going on, but they're just not that interested in knowing what it is. Things weren't too terribly painful for that person so he/she voted for the status quo. And the remaining small numbers will focus in on the issues themselves.

    Argue among yourselves what these fewest numbers can or cannot accomplish at this point, but in the end, eventually, even they will put their heads back down and continue eating.

  3. Since they guy (and I'm assuming it's male since he's not wearing a skirt) is running, I'm assuming he's got a problem (usually called IBS) and the sign is telling him that the best option by far is to stick it out the window.
