Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Let's all sing a 'Song for America' today. Get up, get out and do your thing. It's important...

 My favorite band with my favorite song with full orchestra. No better way to start your day...  
Back in the day (early and mid-70's) I  saw these guys every chance I got, starting with a little gig at a bar in Oklahoma City called the 'Red Dog Saloon' before they cut their first album. Back in Jersey a few years later I actually went and saw them six nights in a row at four different venues. I've probably seen them 70 times and I was never ever disappointed. Best of all the shows was Madison Square Garden in 1979. Last time was back in July of '17 at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, New Jersey. Great band, great theater, great acoustics... 





Here in Florida we're bracing ourselves for the arrival of subtropical Storm Nicole, which experts said could impact the coast, but probably won't effect election day on Tuesday. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) said that while Nicole was still a subtropical storm, hurricane and storm surge watches were in place in parts of the state. Nicole became the 14th storm of the hurricane season, expected to soon develop into a fully tropical storm.
“Regardless of the tropical technicalities, the system will have the characteristics of a large coastal storm rather than a tidy tropical storm as it slides slowly westward from the Bahamas to Florida next week,” wrote Michael Lowry, a hurricane specialist and storm surge expert.
Nicole was expected to affect the north-western Bahamas and more than 165 miles of coastline in the south-eastern part of Florida. If Nicole becomes a subtropical or tropical cyclone, it will be the first time in more than 70 years that such a storm has hit Florida from the east in November.


A 33-year-old man was arrested after he threw a can at Sen. Ted Cruz during the Houston Astros victory parade on Monday. The senator from Texas made an appearance at the parade in Houston celebrating the Astros' World Series win over the weekend when "the beer can struck the Senator in the chest/neck area." 
"Nearby HPD officers arrested the male without further incident," police said in a statement. "He was taken to jail and faces assault charges." Video of the incident showed a man blocking the can apparently before it made contact with the senator. The crowd can be heard booing throughout. Police said Cruz did not require medical attention.
White Claw - what is that, some kinda cold medicine? Who the fuck drinks 'hard cider' to get high? Jeez. Musta had to change his diaper when they arrested him.




Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 

Really like this - not so much about subject matter as it is 
brilliant for it's composition and lighting...


Gonna be a pretty soggy couple of days coming up. Fuck.



California can't decide between the fruits and nuts - I swear there's something funny in the water out there... They're passing 'no idling laws' left and right all over the state, but now they wanna get rid of something that makes perfect sense. Crazy, right?
Most states enabled the move during the fuel crisis of the 1970s as a gas-saving measure. While right turns on red are allowed in every state, New York City has an outright ban on the move, and Washington D.C. recently passed a bill prohibiting turns on red by 2025.





Is that the girl who was on 'Two and a half men'?



  1. As head of my HS band committee for 1973 prom I hired White Clover (aka KANSAS) to play the prom dance in our cafeteria for a Saturday night in early May.

  2. That's a great story and for you an even greater memory thanks for sharing


Here's another really sexy HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly.

... Here's a nice idea for a gift  that's  both attractive and very affordable...   Click on the picture for more information on thi...