Monday, November 21, 2022

I've been warned...

 I've been told by Google that somehow, somewhere I may have used someone's copywrited material without their permission...  

 I've tried to be a lot more dilligent in crediting where items come from and even linking to the original sites whenever I can, but it appears there's a line out there that I can't see.
Unfortunately they don't tell what the fuck up was or when it happened, so I have no way of knowing what to avoid in the future. Somewhere out there in silicon valley (or his Mom's basement) there's a guy who knows what I did. He's keeping it to himself. That's the world we live in today.



This is the Radar Satellite Dish in the area of the old Camp Evans in Wall Township, NJ. It was just two blocks from my last house in Jersey before I moved here. 
This dish and it's accompanying labs and offices is known as the 'Diana Site'. It is located on Marconi Road in the Camp Evans area in Wall Twsp., a decommissioned military base that was once a part of Fort Monmouth. It was on this site that the US Army’s Project Diana team on January 10, 1946, first received radio signals bounced from the moon. The former US Army tracking dish was used as a ground station for the TIROS I and II weather satellites and for Project Vanguard, which led to the launch of Vanguard 1, the second US satellite, in 1958. It was also an integral art of the worldwide system of radar and navigation controls for both the Mercury and Apollo space mission for NASA. Project Diana, named for the Roman moon goddess Diana, was an experimental project of the US Army Signal Corps in 1946 to bounce radar signals off the Moon and receive the reflected signals.This was the first experiment in radar astronomy and the first active attempt to probe another celestial body. It was the inspiration for later EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication techniques. The dish was demilitarized in the 1970s.


How long do you think it will take them to say 
we can prevent this from happening also?

I haven't seen or heard anything from the tree-hugging, global warming, climate change, save-the-snail-darter, global freezing, stay-out-of-the-sun crowd yet, but I bet it's only a matter of time before some jerkoff somewhere says that I cause earthquakes because I drive a gas-guzzling 20 year old F-150. It's just a question of time, I'm sure.
If you care about the poor people who live in Java, the story is here:

I'm gonna start a new weekly thing but I don't know what to call it. 
My first idea is to call it: 
'Women who are really quite beautiful but I'm sure they're major league bitches and you'd probably have to end up leaving them stranded and alone at some lesbian biker bar somewhere very, very far out of town'. 
Too long a name? Give me some ideas - maybe I'll use your suggestions instead... First week's entry: Giada.

This packaging was created over 50 years ago 
and somehow nobody ever saw this before?

Nope. Never saw this before, either. Did you?
Sporting a stylin' white sport coat, periwinkle tie and a big curly hairdo, President Barack Obama is pictured in this 1979 candid photo arm in arm with his High School girlfriend and 'Prom date', Megan Hughes (the blonde on right). He signed his yearbook note to her "Love, Barry".

Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet. 
 You can find something nice for your Mom, 
your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Going way back to the '80s when I had the Ad Agency (McGovern/Jackson), Kenilworth Systems was a substantial client of ours. They had developed the very first 'Player Card' reader systems for slot players. This was one of the trade publication ads we did for them for their 'Lott-o-Gold' magnetic card reader system. I believe that Kenilworth no longer exists - wasn't my fault.
That's my secretary at the time Evie (great gal), me and my Grandmother Minny. And yes, I did dress like that every day. Back then.

Ya almost have to wonder - before the fact - how quickly and how easily these jackasses will fuck this whole thing up, but that's a story I'll savor when it comes around. 
In the meantime, I guess they actually do read my blog up there and decided 'FUCK - we gotta get this up to speed or Joe'll keep kicking our asses'. Juss' sayin' - the power off this blog is limitless (accept if Google throws my ass under the bus). Here's the story in this morning's Post:

It's hard to imagine this was almost 70 years ago.
In January 1954, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio married in San Francisco and jetted off to Japan for their honeymoon.
While DiMaggio attended to his baseball clinics, Monroe took a solo detour to the Korean peninsula, which had been recently divided by the armistice which ended the Korean War the previous year.
Over the course of four days, Monroe took a whirlwind tour of American military bases, putting on 10 shows for an estimated 100,000 very excited servicemen.She remarked that the Korea trip “was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never felt like a star before in my heart. It was so wonderful to look down and see a fellow smiling at me”.
The tour was a welcome respite from Monroe’s tense relationship with her new husband, whose jealousy and controlling behavior would contribute to their divorce just eight months later. In one show where the start was delayed the troops got frustrated and threatened to riot so the opening acts had to be cancelled to get her onto the stage sooner.
The crowed adored her and they truly enjoyed her visit. She looked amazing on her baggy army uniform. Ted Sherman, who served in the Navy during World War II and Korea, recalled: “I was with a group of Navy guys who happened to be at Daegu Air Force Base when we heard Marilyn would entertain there that night. We convinced our transport pilot to find something wrong with our R4D transport, so we could delay the return flight to our ship in Tokyo Bay for that one night. It was a great evening for all the homesick guys who were dazzled by the movie star’s performance. The sight and sounds of Marilyn singing ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’ is a memory I still cherish”.

Just a side note - everything I've ever seen or read about
DiMaggio kinda stresses what a complete dick the guy was...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi marked Transgender Remembrance Day by tearing into MAGA Republicans and implicating them in the Colorado LBGTQ night club shooting that left five dead overnight. 
The full story about what this fucking cretin had to say is here:

Recognize this guy? he look familiar to you?
Hugh Nanton Romney sings at McSorley's saloon in Greenwich Village in 1959. Later, Romney would adopt the name 'Wavy Gravy' and become a lifelong peace activist (and a featured character in the Rockumentary 'Woodstock'.) Notice how many women in the audience? See if this looks familiar...



  1. Seems more likely that Pelosi's husband would have been involved. Let's blame him. He seems to be the one putting homosexuals at risk.

  2. funny! I'd always thought it was a stylized pig, not a bear, but now that you mention it...

  3. Beautiful, but with a trail of man-tears in her wake.

  4. Re: The Tobelrone Bear: I'll bet you've never notice the white arrow in the FedEx logo either.

    Ah, another mass shooting in a gay bar by some guy with an AR-15, just before the Senate takes up passage of the Assault Weapons Ban (Again).
    How con-VEEN-yent.

  5. In 1959, Women were not allowed in McSorley's old ale house.

  6. Toblerone is from Bern, the city of bears. Bear on their flag too, with a red erection. Look it up.

  7. I've been to Bern a very beautiful city. My daily transportation is also a 2002 Ford F-150. Good truck just drinks to much gas...
