Sunday, November 20, 2022

It's about time somebody kicked this Omar bitch where it hurts...


She should never be on any committee anywhere that makes decisions for all of us, but somebody had to appoint her to something because she's a 'squad member', right? That somebody was Nancy 'The wicked witch of the west' Pelosi. Yup Two bitches, one dilemna. Imagine that.
GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy over the weekend vowed to remove Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over 'antisemitism' if he's elected speaker.
'We watch antisemitism grow not just on our campuses, but we watched it grow In the halls of Congress,' McCarthy, R-Calif., told a crowd at the Republican Jewish Coalition's 2022 leadership meeting in Las Vegas. 

'You know I made another promise to you last time. There was this congresswoman, Ilhan Omar,' he said, prompting boos from the crowd. 'I remember what she said about me. I remember what she said about Israel. I remember what she said about the [U.S.-Israel] relationship. I remembered it so much, I promised you last year she would no longer be on Foreign affairs. I'm keeping that promise.' The audience cheered... 

I know a lot of you guys know a cat lover
 who would really appreciate these...
Barb just made a few more pairs and they're only $ 18.00 a pair. 
Why not, right? If the link on the picture doesn't work,
 look for them on her main page here:
Just a thought - If any of you have these earrings in your 'cart' on her site, you might want to pull the trigger on your purchase. Even though she has a couple of the sets available, they're selling like crazy and you might miss out. Juss' sayin'...

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God - I thought I was the only one who noticed that orange tinge...

    Was that a spray tan? You betcher ass it was. Either way, it's pretty friggin' hilarious, if ya think about it. Some flack in hi...