Wednesday, November 23, 2022

If it ain't something, it's something else...

 There are times when it better to not know 
something rather than knowing...  

Why is it so important for these people to demostrate to us exactly how fucked in the head they are? Who actually enjoys stupid shit like this? I sure as hell don't wanna know who does, but that's just me being me again.




The Orion capsule swept 80 miles above the lunar surface, and it will now begin to enter a larger orbit. The vehicle was out of contact for 34 minutes during this manoeuvre, which began at 12:44 GMT, as it took place on the far side of the Moon.
As the signal returned, the spacecraft sent back an image of the Earth. Nasa says so far the mission has "exceeded expectations" since last week's launch.

 My Mother every Thanksgiving.

Street art is getting more and more important to 
all of us. At least I hope it isn't just me...


Somewhere along the line we tell too many people too much about ourselves, and eventually it's gonna come back and bite us in our very own asses. Major tax filing services such as H&R Block, TaxAct, and TaxSlayer have been quietly transmitting sensitive financial information to Facebook when Americans file their taxes online, The Markup has learned. 
This article is scary on many levels - including the fact that Meat is doing shit like this proves what a scumbag Zuckerdick is. Read this article and see for yourself:


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


Maybe some day we'll finally beleieve something without having to second-guess everything all the time. And maybe some day someone will finally change the meaning of the word 'good' to 'good but not as good as it usta be, but good enough for what it's for', and it'll finally make sense.
Anyway, according to yet another new study (How the fuck do I get in to this 'study' business? I'm tellin' ya - there certainly seems to be a shitload of 'em out there. Juss' sayin'), which was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “good cholesterol” may not be as effective as scientists once believed in uniformly predicting cardiovascular disease risk among adults of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. In other words, it's better for caucasians than other -darker - races of people. How the fuck did they actually 'study' that?


The best bread I've ever tasted. Maybe it's because it's the bread that was on my mother's - and my grandmother's - table damn near every single day of our lives growing up, and especially on big holidays like tomorrow.

Growing up in a Catholic family wasn't easy for me. I had entirely too many questions that just couldn't be answered to my satisfaction. Got me in a lot of trouble back in the day because I didn't believe in 'Blind Faith'...







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Good night, darling...