Saturday, November 19, 2022

I totally, completely, absolutely, no doubt about it HATE this time of year.

 This makes me CRAZY - and if it doesn't bother you in any way, there's something wrong with you. Juss' sayin'...
On an almost daily basis at least one - but more often than not two - leaves will get stuck in my windshield wipers and refuse to come off to the point that I actually have to pull the truck over to pluck the little fuckers off. In this case, I was in the middle of a supermarket parking lot and there wasn't a tree within at least 200 frickin' yards, so how...?



It's impossible for me to figure out how guys like this jerkoff manage to stay in politics for as long as they do. The simple answer obviously is that people are sheep and they just keep re-electing them because that's easier than looking at other, more viable and more valuable candidates. 
Menendez has dodged any number of accusations over the years, from underage sex stings to kiddy porn, money laundering for drug lords and so much more, and nothing has stuck - so far anyway. We'll see, but this guy is a classic example of why the swamp needs drainin'...

It's the simplest of things in life that make life 
more fulfilling. And I don't care what you think, 
but I gotta have a Coke with this. Beer just 
doesn't work for me with chili dogs.


Having worked in advertising for as many years as I did, I to this day still 
get such a kick outta silly shit like this. First and foremost, the model shoulda had much bigger boobs, but the thing that cracks me up is knowing that there's no fuckin' way a woman copywriter wrote this ad. Ya follow?

World population over the last 12000 years. Interesting 
perspective, isn't it? Never thought about this.

For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration has cleared 
lab-grown meat, created from cultured animal cells, for human consumption, the agency announced on Wednesday.
The FDA green light applies only to chicken products made by Upside Foods, a California-based company founded in 2015, though in its announcement the FDA said it is ready to work with other firms that are developing cultured animal cell food.
The agency said that it had evaluated information submitted by Upside Foods as part of a pre-market consultation, and that it had “no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion.”
First it was that cardboard tasting garbage vegan fake meat shit and now this lab-grown craziness. I just don't get it.

I just don't see it - do you guys? I've seen a number of movies this guy's been in, and I still can't figure out why anybody thinks he's funny? Maybe if he lit his balls on fire on the Jimmy Kimmel show or something it might get a chuckle out of me, but otherwise, I just don't get it.

There's an 'old girlfriend' joke in there somewhere...


I know a lot of you guys know a cat lover
 who would really appreciate these...
Barb just made a few more pairs and they're only $ 18.00 a pair. 
Why not, right? If the link on the picture doesn't work,
 look for them on her main page here:
Just a thought - If any of you have these earrings in your 'cart' on her site, you might want to pull the trigger on your purchase. Even though she has a couple of the sets available, they're selling like crazy and you might miss out. Juss' sayin'...


On Oct. 13, the White House announced that it was funding a five-year-research plan into one of the most controversial proposals for fighting climate change out there: geoengineering, or the technologies and innovations that can be used to artificially modify the Earth’s climate.
The report will be dedicated specifically to a form of geoengineering known as solar radiation management. This is a technique that essentially involves spraying fine aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth. The idea is that, once it’s reflected, there’ll be less heat and temperatures will go down.
And you guys think I make this shit up - that cracks me up. Sadly, it's 110% legit, and the madness just get bigger and bolder and dumber every day. 

Humankind - politicians and treehuggers especially - demonstrate a form of manifest-destiny arrogance that's almost too tough to swallow. Imagine that we - these little tiny ant-like creatures - could have dominion over a planet that's been here for 7,000,000,000 years and we've only been around for something like 20,000 years? Where do these humongous egos come from?

Sears 1955. Boyville - where you can look like a middle aged man!

Where would we be as a society if it weren't for the 
people with vision and talent and ispiration and creativity 
and way too much fuckin' time on there hands?






  1. The reason the population could explode was the work of Fritz Haber who came up the the methodology of binding nitrogen to create fertilizer. If it wasn't for his invention, most of us would still be working on a farm. Of course, this is the same process that the WEF is trying to ban (see Sri Lanka, Netherland farmer strike, and Canada).

    Without Habers process, 100s of million of people will starve. If you ever want to be depressed, go down that rabbit hole.

  2. I had to search to find out who the 'comic actor' was. (Owen Wilson) His appeal mystifies me almost as much as Will Ferrell's.

  3. Well, one problem solved is that lab grown meat doesn't fart.....

  4. Zecharia Sitchin wrote in his books studying the ancient Sumerians who wrote of how an extra-terrestrial people came here to earth to harvest gold suspended in the oceans, but there was so much gold laying around on the land surface that they gave up the tedious sea mining and created a race of people to do the hard work by combing their DNA with some of the pesky, two legged critters, who displayed enough intelligence to wreck their traps and steal their food, to do the difficult work of actual mining once the surface gold was gone....the purpose?....not for wealth, or anything as mundane as that, but to suspend fine particles in the atmosphere of their planet, to save it from the millenniums of damage they had done to their planet, and enable the planet to deflect the Sun's rays in much the same manner....whether I buy that or not is immaterial, but the fact that this re-telling of similar incidents from the earliest known civilization on this planet stirs at least a chuckle....
