Friday, November 18, 2022

How would YOU piss away $ 44,000,000,000.00?

Do you get the same mental image as I do about this?  Thousands and thousands of suddenly out of work Twidiots crying in their lattes because the big bad wolf bought the company? 
Lemme put it this way - what kind of jerkoff job is it if you're working at a 'social media company' anyway? Buncha pampered, sociopathetic dweebs sitting in front of computer screens all day waving rainbow flags and crapping their diapers every time anyone dares say the name Trump out loud? Gimme a fuckin' break. Maybe they can all go learn to make solar panels like Biden and Obama told the steel and pipeline workers...
Anyway, Elon Musk was set to lose 75 percent of his remaining workforce after hundreds resigned following his 5pm ET deadline for employees to get 'hardcore.' Musk sent an email to staff on Wednesday telling them to either commit to 'long hours at high intensity' or quit with three months severance. Fortune reporter Kylie Robinson tweeted that an estimated 75 percent of workers had ignored a deadline to click a link saying they wished to remain employed by Twitter. She later clarified that this figure was based on straw polls taken by her contacts at Twitter. The Verge reported that 2,900 of the remaining 3,700 staff had decided to stay - a potentially healthier figure.

I know a lot of you guys know a cat lover
 who would really appreciate these...
Barb just made a few more pairs and they're only $ 18.00 a pair. 
Why not, right? If the link on the picture doesn't work,
 look for them on her main page here:
Just a thought - If any of you have these earrings in your 'cart' on her site, you might want to pull the trigger on your purchase. Even though she has a couple of the sets available, they're selling like crazy and you might miss out. Juss' sayin'...


  1. TNX fer "Daily Doug" "How to amke a Martini Milk Shake"

  2. I saw a video by Project Veritas talking with a Twitter Engineer saying they basically only work about 4 hours per week. As an Electrical Engineer that has retired I find it amazing that they had a company at all. I can understand Musk wiping the company of deadbeats and he should be able to run it with 10% of staff.

  3. That gives he a freakin yuge sheidenboner.
    Must be nice to get a 44biilion dollar tax writeoff
