Wednesday, October 12, 2022

It may be okay in Texas and Arizona, but not here. Fuck that...

Reminds me a bit of Ted Kennedy arguing against wind turbines offshore near his house. It's a great idea, just not a great idea for here
Fuck all of these liberal 'sanctuary' jerkoffs. Let 'em have a big taste of what our friends down south are dealing with on a daily basis. Read the article about this here:


  1. All illegals should be deposited in liberal cities. Illegals are here because of liberals. Remember, nothing cures liberalism faster than becoming a victim of their own belief. Those Venezuelan prisoners? Yeah, send them right straight to D. C.

    1. Send Venezuelan prisoners to DC and they'll become better criminals, learning from the best.

  2. Three rows: carpenters, roofers and landscapers.

  3. At what point do we fight back.


Where's Waldo? For that matter, where's Joe?

 He'll be back in town tomorrow... I've been travelling...