Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Is Obama a great messenger for what ails America? Not if you listen to him, he isn't...

 Isn't it nice of him to represent our country to others in such a meaningful, respectful way?

Speaking at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit back in June, Obama warned other foreign leaders of a "sexist" and "angry" political opposition here in America and abroad that isn't "persuadable" and he urged liberals to guard against "self-righteousness," according to a transcript of the meeting obtained by CNN.
“Sometimes, it just turns out they’re [Conservatives and most other non-liberals] mean, they’re racist, they’re sexist, they’re angry. 'And your job is then to just beat them because they’re not persuadable',” Obama said, adding, “Sometimes, we get filled up in our own self-righteousness. We’re so convinced that we’re right that we forget what we are right about.”
The event underscored Obama's 'focus on democracy globally' and his effort to bolster a new generation of leaders through his organization - his 'charitable foundation'. 
It seems he's latched on to the Clinton's money-making, money-laundering Foundation concept and he's running with it. Very altruistic, I must say...




Can you imagine the balls on some of these people? They come here illegally, get everything they need to survive plus some (because we're spineless jerkoffs without the balls to throw them the fuck out) and then they bitch about the quality of the food that they're getting for free? Maybe if she was back in Guatafuckin'mala eating dirt like she used to she'd be less of a bitch. Shame on us for letting this happen in our country.


How different a person would I be today if I had not quit when I did and spent 30 or so years in uniform like my father did? I really do wonder about that every once in a while.
Every single guy I was in the Academy with is long since retired - most of them at rank - with good pensions and the like, but their lives were a lot more regimented than mine has been.




Transgender 'women', who were born male, are still required to sign up for the Selective Service in the event of a military draft.
The policy, which has already been in effect for some time, gained new attention after the Selective Service System issued a reminder for men between the ages of 18 and 25 to register for the service. 
"Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS," the SSS said in a now-viral tweet sent on Friday. Brilliant.
 A transgender section (they actually do have one) on the SSS's website stressed that all biological males are required to sign up for the draft, and this applies to citizens or immigrants of the United States who were born male and had their gender changed to female.

How far would you have to walk down this idyllic country road 
at sunset before you realized you really should have 
gone to the bar with your buddies to watch the game instead?


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


When the telemarketer on the phone starts crying 
about how much they hate their job...

This self-absorbed, overly-indulged train wreck must be an absolute fuckin' nightmare to be anywhere around. How do people get like this? PS - her fuckin' ass is way too big and she really ain't all THAT hot lookin'. Juss' sayin'...


How do guys like Tim Ryan keep getting re-elected? Are people really that fuckin' stupid? Ya gotta see Vance chew him up and spit him out in the video. The article is pretty good, too - find it here:



  1. You ask: "How do they keep getting elected?"

    It does not matter who votes.
    It does not matter how they vote.
    It only matters who COUNTS the votes.
    And the shithole hives have that FULLY under control.

    Hives have consistently counted MORE "votes" than they have voting eligible citizens. For MANY years now.
    And nobody gives a damn!

    1. x2! and please remember: there are a lot of undecorated lampposts. if you don't live in/near a big city, tree limbs will do quite as well

  2. I agree with Matis. Also Biden and the leaders running our military are driving it down into the sewer. If we have another cheating and stolen election that drives us into CW2, the military and National Guard will not be able to support the government and our country will dissolve.

  3. “Sometimes, we get filled up in our own self-righteousness. We’re so convinced that we’re right that we forget what we are right about.”

    There's no excuse for that, because they sure aren't right about very much. It's a pretty short list.

  4. obama can go fuck himself, though he'd most likely enjoy the hell out of it if he could....whatever happened to firing squads for traitors like him and biden, the clintons, pelosi, schumer, nadler, etc....basically any asshole that subscribes to the democratic party....

  5. I'd tell Obama to eat a bag of dicks, but he'd enjoy it.
