Wednesday, October 12, 2022

I'm not in to celebrity bashing, am I?

Megyn Kelly said she has no sympathy for Kim Kardashian and her “enormous fake ass” after the reality TV star was booed by fans at a Los Angeles Rams game on Sunday.
Kelly lashed out at Kardashian on her SiriusXM podcast on Tuesday, saying that her “narcissism” and “public persona” were having a detrimental effect on American society. “I do not feel empathetic toward Kim Kardashian,” Kelly said during her latest episode of “The Megyn Kelly Show.”
“I’ve been going on a tear over her for the past couple of days because every time I open my paper, there she is again, and I find it deeply alarming.” Kelly added: “What are we celebrating? Her enormous fake ass?”

On her Monday podcast, Kelly said she was glad Kardashian was jeered by football fans at the Rams game at SoFi Stadium. Kelly said the booing was a sign that the country was “getting sick of vain, ‘rules don’t apply to me’ celebrities.” The former Fox News primetime star said the Kardashians have come to embody “false gods” of “money” and “selfie culture.”

- Courtesy of the New York Post    


  1. The be loved by lefty crowds you either need to BE or HAVE a big ass. Brains are irrelevant.

  2. She did that to herself on purpose?

  3. It does look she might need a custom toilet to hold all of that and keep it centered.

  4. Two things come to mind. 1) "Damaged Goods" 2) "Mud Shark" As such I have no further interest.

  5. If she has to haul ass , it's gonna be at least two trips

  6. There are probably as many wrinklies in her ass as there are in that dress.


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