Thursday, October 13, 2022

I doubt if they can blame an orange shortage on Trump, but they'll try...

Only 28 million oranges will be produced in the sunshine state during the 2022-2023 period, 32% less than the previous season, according to the USDA. During the 2019-2020 growing season, 67.4 million oranges hailed from Florida. The estimated number of bearing trees for non-Valencia oranges will be down 8%, while the number of trees bearing Valencia oranges is expected to fall by 4%.
“We completed all our objective measurements prior to the arrival of Hurricane Ian,” said Mark Hudson, USDA principal statistician, per Florida Politics. “We did not have the time to go back and get updated measurements, so it’s based solely prior to Ian.”
The crop has been declining for years due to a deadly citrus disease known as citrus greening. As of this summer, almost all citrus groves in Florida were infected. For the past decade, orange output has fallen due to the scourge. It's unclear how much the Category 4 hurricane will further affect the growing season.
Orange and tangerine prices already jumped 14.4% since August 2021 as inflation rages on, and the limited crop will likely cause prices to rise more.



His son Beau, Delaware's former attorney general, died of brain cancer in 2015. The younger Biden had deployed to Iraq in 2009 and earned a Bronze Star medal for his service there. 


This is the Newsstand that used to be at the corner of 32nd Street and Third Avenue in Manhattan. This was sometime around 1935.

Today we'll learn precisely how much our monthly Social Security checks will increase – but experts forecast it will be $140 per month, on average, starting in January. 

The following proves two things I am absolutely certain of...
The first thing I'm certain of is that I have absolutely no clue what is happening in the music world these days, and I honest to god couldn't give a fuck if I tried.
The second, and much more important thing, is that whoever is in charge at Rolling Stone magazine these days is absofuckin'lutely out of their fuckin' minds. Why? Because they named THIS as the 'Number One concept album of all times':
It's a record from 2012 by  somebody named Kendrick Lamar called 'Good Kid, M.A.A.D City'. The Concept: Lamar comes of age in Compton, encountering the city’s many pleasures as well its ever-present threat of gang conflict and police violence. Okay, fine. but...
You gonna tell me this is a better concept album than Tommy or The Wall or even further back, Frank Sinatra's 1955 classic 'In The Wee Small Hours'? I gotta start smokin' more weed or something. That's the only way I think I can get my head around these morons. Here's the article if you give a fuck:


Ever tasted this stuff? It's really god hot English mustard that just keeps getting hotter the longer you keep it in the fridge. I love the shit - I'd almost put it on pancakes if that wasn't gag material. Juss' sayin'...
I usually make my own barbecue sauce when I'm not using my buddy's Joe's 'Monster' sauce, and especially if I'm doing pork ribs (St. Louis style only. Fuck baby backs), I always add a little of this to the sauce. Gives it a nice back-taste kick. Check it out if you've never tried it.


If you're looking for a nice gift for someone special, take a look at the jewelry my wife makes before she sells most of it out.
Barb is prepping for a big craft show this weekend where she usually does REALLY well. Last year she almost sold out every  piece she brought with her, and she brings a lot of stuff to these shows.
 Click on the picture to see what's available now on her website.

There's probably 40 jokes in there, but none of them 
are about an ex-girlfriend. At least none come to mind
 immediately, anyway...

A U.S. ambassador appointed by Donald Trump has described his former boss as a “dick” in a new book. Gordon Sondland served as Trump’s ambassador to the European Union between 2018 and 2020, but was fired shortly after his testimony played a key role during Trump’s first impeachment. 
In his forthcoming memoir, The Envoy: Mastering the Art of Diplomacy with Trump and the World, Sondland derides Trump’s narcissism and recalls telling Trump in 2016 that “you were kind of a dick to me when we first met.” Trump responded by noting that he didn’t think Sondland was important enough to be nice to, the former ambassador wrote.
 Sondland also describes anxiously trying to prepare Trump for a 2019 meeting with the president of Romania, only for Trump to be distracted by choosing which song to use as his walk-on music at an upcoming rally. “Trump does focus on some details, and this is an important one,” Sondland writes. “Never mind that the Oval Office sounds like a country western bar, and we are supposed to be prepping for a visit with a foreign leader.” 
Here's a pretty funny article about this guy and his  one-trick-pony book:

Halftime at the first Superbowl in 1967, Len Dawson prepared 
for the final two quarters of the big game by smoking a cigarette and drinking a Fresca. Times were certainly different.

This little abandoned house is just up the road from my brother's cottage in the Irish countryside. Locals there refer to it as the 'IRA murder house'. 
It seems some lady who owned the place  had offered this middle-of-fuckin'-nowhere house as a hide-out for a Sinn Fein double agent rat who was telling the Brits shit he shouldn'ta.
 Anyway, story has it the guy, instead of laying low like he shoulda been, walks into the nearest town one night and puts a bag on, spoutin' shit and bothering people before he gets thrown out of the pub he was in. He blew his own cover. A coupla days later an IRA hit squad blew his fuckin' head off, and that's end of his story.



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