Tuesday, October 11, 2022

I don't think they'll let Joe backtrack on this one...

Biden is 'reevaluating America's relationship' with Saudi Arabia as the Riyadh-led OPEC+ alliance moves to cut oil production and Democratic lawmakers call for a freeze on cooperation with the Saudis. It's a brilliant move, Joe. First you call the guy a murderer, so he fucks you (and all of us) by cutting oil supply and siding with the Russkies, so now you're gonna follow the other Demonuts and turn your back on the only Arab ally America has in the Middle East? Brilliant.
John Kirby, the strategic communications coordinator for the National Security Council at the White House, said Tuesday that Biden believes “it’s time to take another look at this relationship and make sure that it’s serving our national security interests.”
Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Rep. Ro Khanna of California on Tuesday introduced legislation that would immediately pause all U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia for one year. This pause would also halt sales of spare and repair parts, support services and logistical support.

Makes perfect sense, Bidenurtime - Fuck you? 
NO - fuck you Mr. USA. 
Jeez what a jackass...

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1 comment:

  1. just wait until the Arabs want gold instead of dollars for their oil. that will be the death of the dollar.
    they will become worthless in no time. already the Russians are selling their oil for gold and Yuan


I'm not here, but Calvin is...