Saturday, October 8, 2022

How did you get so far up in life when you don't know how anything works, Gavin?

Newsom said Friday he would call a special session of the Legislature to consider a windfall profit tax on oil companies in response to the “outrageous and unconscionable” price of gas in California.
The governor told reporters the session would start Dec. 5, far enough away for his administration and lawmakers to prepare for what would likely be a tough fight to impose a new tax even with a Democratic super-majority in the Legislature. It would also take place after the November election, sparing candidates from having to take a difficult vote in the heat of campaign season.

The biggest problem with this is the fact that he - along with almost all liberal Demonuts - think that taxes somehow fix things by financially penalizing a business. He and they just don't get the fact that the corporation doesn't pay ANY taxes at all, in theory and in reality.
 Whatever taxes are imposed on them is passed along to the consumers, creating even higher prices. Just a buncha friggin' dolts...






I guess when you call a guy a 'Pariah on the world stage' and you publicly accuse him of murder, it's probably not gonna work out so well when you go to him with your dick in your hand begging for help with a problem that you created. 
If that ain't stickin' up your as, Joe, I don't know what is. Sad part is, it doesn't effect him in any way. It only fucks with us, and we end up paying the price for his stupidity. Still hate those mean tweets, do ya? Jeez...

As you go through life, choose your costumes wisely...

While we're talking about costumes, this comes to mind. I saw this ad the other day and it reminded me of the lady across the street from us growing up - Mrs. McGlauglin. She was a little 'detached', to put it mildly. Anyway, she always gave these to all the kids on Halloween night, and my friend Billy Maver was nuts for them, so he'd go back up to her door five or six times and she never realized it was the same kid in the same costume every time.

I had a girlfriend that smart once...



Data now shows that the U.S. workforce is not as productive as just a year ago. 
It seems people are not producing as much in the hours between clocking in and clocking out each day. In the end, this could have a profound effect on the country's well-being.
In Todd we trust.


This is the kinda stupid shit I do when I have too much free time. The best part of this 'therapy' is that you can drink as much as you want while you're doing it...

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, may have lost half a billion dollars after a hack of its network. The company temporarily suspended transactions and the transfer of funds after detecting an exploit between two blockchains, a method of digital theft that has been used recently in at least one other major hack.
So, let me get this straight. You have a currency that's not really a currency as we understand it, it only exists in the ethereal cyber-world, having no physical embodiment of any kind, and yet, some how, somebody manages to steal it from you? What kinda fuckin' idiots are you people?

Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 




  1. Newsom adding tax on companies will just have the companies add it to the costs going to the consumer. In Fuel the costs will rise even higher and California is one of the highest states in the nation.

  2. My bartender, she’s from the islands, her body’s been kissed by the sun…

    Always glad to find another ZBB fan.


I'm not here, but the dog is...