Monday, October 10, 2022

Goodbye Columbus...

 We grew up with a lot of myths. The one that has Columbus 'discovering' America is one of the biggest, but...  

Don't tear his head off just because somebody else killed a bunch of Indians. Growing up, Columbus Day and it's annual parade were a big deal to our community, which was probably around 70% Italian-American. We didn't quibble about where he landed or whatever damage he mighta done. We just celebrated the man because he had the balls to do something that we thought nobody else had the balls to do. That's it. 

This jerkoff from Los Angeles (of course) has filed a 'class action lawsuit' against the makers of Texas Pete hot sauce, accusing the company of false advertising because the popular condiment is made in North Carolina. Philip White filed the suit against T.W. Garner Food Co claiming he had been deceived when he purchased a $3 bottle of Texas Pete at a Ralph’s grocery store in 2021.
The company had “cheated its way to a market-leading position in the $3bn hot-sauce industry at the expense of law-abiding competitors and consumers nationwide who desire authentic Texas hot sauce”, Mr White alleges in the lawsuit. Mr White goes on to state that the label includes “the famed white ‘lone’ star from the Texan flag together with a ‘lassoing’ cowboy”.
If Mr. White would like to meet me in a bar somewhere I'd be more than happy to discuss his actions with him in the bar's parking lot.



I do miss my old garden back in Wall Township. I just can't get good production out of my tomatoes down here. If you're wondering about the round things, they're there to surround the base of the plants so I can concentrate watering them where it belongs. Very effective system.


I dated twin sisters that stupid once...

So now it's 'Indigenous People's Day. Big fuckin' deal. 
How many 'native Americans live in your town?
For only the second time, a U.S. president has officially recognized Indigenous Peoples' Day. President Biden issued a proclamation on Friday to observe this Oct. 10 as a day to honor Native Americans, their resilience and their contributions to American society throughout history, even as they faced assimilation, discrimination and genocide spanning generations. The move shifts focus from Columbus Day, the federal holiday celebrating Christopher Columbus, which shares the same date as Indigenous Peoples' Day this year.



Winter's coming - better stock up now...

Now that Warner/Discovery owns CNN, maybe we'll see them start to be less left-leaning. There's a chance, anyway. We'll see, but I sure am glad this asshole is off the air. Juss' sayin'...

Brian Cashman (Yankees GM) called Aaron Judge’s wager on himself “an all-time best bet” after the slugger responded to turning down the Yankees’ seven-year, $213.5 million extension offer on Opening Day with one of the most prolific offensive seasons in history.

Anybody recognize her?
The city of Newark has removed a statue of Christopher Columbus. Here's where I wanna point something out. Mayor Ras Baraka is the son of Leroy Jones, the self-described 'poet' and troublemaker who was most influential in starting the riots in Newark back in '67. My Father had the pleasure (and believe me, for him it was) of arresting Mr. Jones not once, but twice, but that's all a story for another day.
"In keeping with the movement to remove 'symbols of oppression and white supremacy', we have decided to remove the statue of Christopher Columbus from Washington Park," Baraka said. He added the decision to remove the statue should not be perceived as a slight against Italian-Americans, but "a statement against the barbarism, enslavement, and oppression that this explorer represents."
Ya really can't twist history much better than that, Bubba...

French girls pour a drink for a British soldier after the 
re-taking and liberation of Vernon, France, 1944.



  1. Are you sure? Lemon is gone?
    Are you sure it is not like what happens when you clean dogsh.t off of your shoes but the smell lingers for weeks after?

  2. My best guess is the blonde is Tanya Roberts.

  3. In regards to suing Texas Pete for not being made in Texas, Gerber (baby food) is worried they will be next.

  4. #13...daily at 90 Miles From Tyranny.
