Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Giving the finger to cashless bail and bail reform...

 So, in New York State, if you commit a crime short of murder, you are released without putting up any money for a bail bond. Great idea, right?

A man walked into a Chase Bank in Brooklyn wearing a Chicago Bulls baseball cap just as the 9-to-5 crowd was leaving work on a recent Friday. He passed a note written in red ink to a teller. “This is a robbery,” it read. “Big bills only no dye packs.” He left the bank that day with about $1,000.
Less than four hours earlier, the man, Gerod Woodberry, had been released from custody under a new state law that abolished bail for most nonviolent offenses, federal prosecutors said. He had been charged with stealing or attempting to steal from four other New York City banks.
Same thing in New Jersey. This guy Everton Gunter was convicted of having robbed four banks, and all he got was probation. What did he do when he left the courthouse that day? He robbed another bank to celebrate. Great system of justice we have, ain't it?
Didn't they usta shoot and kill bank robbers on sight? (Asking for a friend)



President Joe Biden continued to explain and modify his warning about nuclear “Armageddon” from Russia, a stark suggestion about the potential for escalation in Russia’s war against Ukraine he made last week.The most recent remarks came in a wide-ranging interview with CNN host Jake Tapper, which aired Tuesday and covered both domestic and international issues.
Asked by Tapper whether he thought Putin would actually use nuclear weapons, Biden said, “I don’t think he will. But I think that it’s irresponsible for him to talk about it.”
The threat of a nuclear weapon could lead, Biden said, “to just a horrible outcome. And not because anybody intends to turn it into a world war or anything, but ... the mistakes that can be made, the miscalculations, who knows what would happen?”
There's more to this story that you can find here: 

I wonder what she's talking about...

May well be the greatest Operatic Tenor of all times, he would have been 87 today. I was lucky enough to see him in concert back in 1983 with pianist John Wustman accompanying him. I took my wife, my mother and my grandmother with me and we sat on the great lawn and had a nice picnic lunch and drank a really good coupla bottles of red wine during the show. My Grandmother 'Minnie' (she who was born in a small town near Modena where he was from) cried at the start of almost every song. It was a great evening. Wonderful memories...


Need help treating a disease? Hang one 
of these off the side of your house...


Joe Biden insisted he was proud of his son for confronting his issues with drug addiction as he made his first comments on a controversial gun case brought against him. Hunter Biden has been exposed to potential criminal charges for allegedly lying on a gun purchase application in 2018 that required him to attest he was not using or addicted to drugs. 
Until now, the White House has remained neutral in an ongoing investigation into Hunter that appears to be coming to a head. Mr Biden said he was “proud” of his son for being open about his addiction and writing a book detailing his struggles. 
I think this is a case where the even his own party has given up on Joe and they might be doing this as a way to not-so-nicely ease him out...
Guy in my platoon got himself kicked out 
by doing pretty much the same shit...

Talk about a bad day at the office. I mean - jeez - how do you even do something like 'fall into' a machine that big. I didn't catch the full report. You find the TV version of it here:

If you're looking for a nice, unique gift for someone special, take a look at the jewelry my wife makes before she sells most of it out.
Barb is prepping for a big craft show this weekend where she usually does REALLY well. Last year she almost sold out every  piece she brought with her, and she brings a lot of stuff to these shows.
 Click on the picture to see what's available now on her website.

Back in the day when pleasing the eye was almost as important 
as function, they created wonderful gizmos like this...



From a cartoon series called 'Suicide Bunny'. 
Google it - there's a shitload of 'em...






  1. Activists say the outrage at them gluing their hands to famous paintings is nothing compared to what climate change will do to art.

    What they should be concerned about is what all the rest of us say about their outrageous behavior .... before we beat them all to death and curb stomp all of their friends..

  2. I was thinking the first time an activist did this, they should have used a chainsaw to free the painting. I don't recall many riots after Kyle.
