Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Did this pot just call the other kettle a queer? (asking for a friend...)

I have to admit that I was somewhat disappointed when I heard that Elvira was a lesbian. It's not like I had a horse in that race or anything, It was just a bit of a letdown, her being all kindsa sexy and shit - you know what I mean.
Anyway, I've never thought anything remotely close to that about that attention- grubbing piece of shit Madonna, so I couldn't give a fuck if she's gay or straight - or sideways for that matter. Honest to god, who could possibly  give a flying rat's ass fuck if she's queer or not? 
Certainly nobody who's parked in my driveway. Juss' sayin'...
If you really need to read this fuckin' dribble, you'll find the article here:

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