Monday, October 3, 2022

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's Biden's world...

 It sure would be nice if we had a President who 
knew who's alive and who's dead... 

President Joe Biden on Friday personally called to thank a Coast Guard rescue swimmer - who is facing discharge over Biden’s vaccine mandate - for saving people’s lives during Hurricane Ian. The White House publicized the call in a press release and Biden himself bragged about calling him.
“I told him how proud of him I was and thanked him for all the work he and his Coasties are doing to save lives,” Biden said of his call to Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch.
Despite Biden thanking Loesch for saving people’s lives, Loesch is due to be kicked out from the Coast Guard in 30-60 days due to Biden’s own mandate that all members of the United States Armed Forces be fully vaccinated.
“If I had asked any of the people I saved yesterday if they wanted to come with me even though I am unvaccinated, every single one of them would have said ‘yes,'” he said.





Dozens of Venezuelan migrants in New York City are hopping on vans to head down to Florida for 'Hurricane Ian clean-up'. The migrants had no information about who they would be working for, but they still piled into vans in Queens that they said were headed to the Sunshine State over the weekend.
“They want us for hurricane cleanup, we’d get paid $15 an hour, overtime and $15 for food daily, I think,” said Javier Moreno, 37, noting that a woman named Camila “from an organization” approached him with a flier. “I’m going for the work. It’s been hard for us migrants to find work here in New York, that’s why a lot of us are going. How’s the work in Florida?”
A driver of one of the vans at the designated pick-up site, a corner in Corona, said on Saturday that he was headed to Florida. He said he was under contract with a 'water and debris company'. The firm did not answer its phone despite repeated attempts to call by The New York Post.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. 
Exuberance, in and of itself, is over-rated...








Real men - manly men, look good in almost anything. The rest 
of us need tuxedos. That's me on the left with Brother Bob.

Beto wants to make guns and gun violence the number one issue in the race for Governor in Texas. Think about it - is there any other State that is more pro-Second Amendment? I don't think so. It's a fool's game played by a consummate fool.


This will be Nicci's last appearance here.



Ain't no way they could get away with doing shit like this in today's 'enlightened' gayed-up, fucked-up, over-indulgent, too easily offended, overly sensitive about every little fucking thing (pun intended) world. Just wouldn't happen.




  1. Send a few illegals to Marth's Vineyard - a crime against humanity !

    Trick vanloads of illegals to go to Florida - in the middle of a post-hurricane disaster - SOP for the Left !

    BTW - I assume you mean it's Nicci's last appearance ........ until tomorrow !

  2. Nicci is a favorite; why is she leaving us? Something I said?
    Dan Patterson

  3. Nicci's modeling career ended 12 years ago. Time to move on

  4. Nicci will forever have a place in our heart.


Don't tell me this White House doesn't have a sense of humor...

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