Monday, October 10, 2022

Another desperate attention-seeker loses her shit...

This old hag is attention-starved - her career must be going down 
the poop chute. These people really are pathetic, don'tcha think? Well, if you actually do give a shit about whether or not she's switched teams, here's the story:


  1. But but but but but but but. Who is she VOTING for next month?
    That's the real important stuff.
    (I assume it is King George).

  2. A 65 year old woman is not go to get that many offers from guys less than 60 and she better keep a bottle of KY close by. For those over 60 it takes a bit more for a guy to be intimate. But who would want that after Sean Penn hit it back in the 80's?

  3. A desperate lunge for public attention from a washed up celebrity way past her prime. [Yawn]

  4. Desperately Seeking Relevance.


  5. If she had as many dicks sticking out of her as she had stuck in her, bitch would look like a porky-pine. I bet the list of the list of things she's had inserted into all her orifices would stretch, no pun intended, from NY to SF. Is it possible she did some carpet munching? More than some. I'd bet a million, if I had a million. Doesn't make the slut "gay".

  6. Cuz no man in his right mind would touch her.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...