Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Where did our goddamn waitress disappear to?


Research into the lingering effects of Covid-19 on the US workforce has confirmed what anybody who has waited an extended time for a delivery – or been unable to get a restaurant table – already knows: the pandemic has caused massive shortages in the labor market.
On top of the quarter-million people of working age who have died from coronavirus, at least twice that number across all ages have permanently disappeared from the workforce, the analysis by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows.
The full article is here:

If you've been thinking of getting something from 
my wife's Jewelry Collection, do it today. 
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  1. I would have disappeared from the roll of the employed when I was young, but I hadn't yet been weened from food. HownaHell is that waitress eating? Where does she get her mail? I'm not saying people are not having trouble finding people to hire, I just don't understand why.

  2. Went to the post office the other day to mail a bill. Upon arrival i noticed I had not put a stamp on it. So i went to go into the lobby to purchase said stamp and they are closed. Closed because they had a staffing shortage.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...