Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The outrage they show over the Martha's Vineyard trip is ridiculous. Buncha friggin' crybaby pussies

 Ron DeSantis' Migrant Plane Is Currently Heading Toward Joe Biden's Home... 

Reports early this morning indicate that a plane involved in flying undocumented migrants to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, will travel to an airport near President Joe Biden's home on Tuesday.
Information about the plane's flight is available on FlightRadar24 and has led to speculation that it could be carrying migrants, though there is no evidence at this time that migrants will be on board.
The same aircraft flew to Martha's Vineyard on September 14. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes carrying undocumented migrants there in a move that has been strongly criticized by lawmakers including by President Biden.
FlightRadar24 shows the plane, J328, is set to leave San Antonio, Texas, at 8 a.m. E.T. and arrive in Crestview, Florida, at 10.03 a.m. for a brief layover, before departing for Teterboro, New Jersey, at 10.17a.m.


Between 1900 and 1915, more than 15 million immigrants 
arrived in the United States. 
And almost to a person they came in legally and went straight to work. Both my Grandmother and Grandfather came to this country during those years. They were both in their teens, and they both had relatives they could live with here and both went to work immediately and worked hard their entire lives.
At what point in the last couple of years did every single person who comes in to this country illegally become an 'oppressed person' or an 'asylum seeker'? And who the fuck said it was a good idea to give every one of the a cell phone and a chit for clothes and snacks at Walmart ferfucksake?

I do a lot of stuff like this when I'm bored. 
And I've been bored alot lately...


Bikes left at Burning Man became an art installation on their own...

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office is probing whether the migrants, primarily from Venezuela, were victims of crimes, Sheriff Javier Salazar said Monday. You gotta hear this guy's rap. How an uber-lib like this guy got to be a Texas Sheriff is a mystery on it's own.
Salazar said the migrants were “lured” to board flights from San Antonio in Bexar County with false promises of employment and opportunity when in reality, he said, they were used as political pawns.
“Somebody came from out of state, preyed upon these people, lured them with promises of better life,” Salazar said at a news briefing. A migrant who had been paid a “bird-dog fee” recruited the Venezuelans from a migrant resource center in Texas under false pretenses. The 48 migrants who were recruited were then hosted in a hotel for a few days before they were flown first to Florida and then to the Vineyard for “little more than a photo and video op,” the sheriff said.


The girls our fathers left behind when they went 
off to war. Meet the Tri-Delta Sorority Sisters 
at the University of Texas, 1944.

Yeah - it really does feel like that often lately, doesn't it.
AND, yes - I did have a girlfriend that stupid once...


If you're looking for a unique gift item for the 
special lady in your life, maybe you should take a look 
at the jewelry my wife makes. 

Click on this picture to see this bracelet in her online store.

One of the spoon rests I have in my kitchen. My grandmother brought them over from the other side 100 years ago.


Why do I wanna chuckle when I read shit like this?

Pearl Harbor is attacked on December 7th 1941, and someone decided it was a good time to change the name of their potato chip company to Jays.

Yeah - it's an Irish toilet. I only saw one 'American-style' toilet the whole time I was over there. They don't turn bathrooms in to shrines and reading rooms over there like we do.


Any one of these idiots have enough lib-power to make 
your brain explode on contact. I've been to the 'Vinyud'. 
It's an old hippy asylum - maybe that's why the 
'asylum-seekers' were sent there...






  1. It is a good idea to give every one of the illegals a cell phone. They now can be found with GPS tracking.

  2. My mom at six came from the Ukraine in 1917/8; she was a ward of her eldest brother who had to sign paperwork that he was financially responsible for her; she worked as a seamstress in a sweatshop from the time she was 10 until she got married.
    My dad arrived here in May of 1929 at the age of 19 . He was the ward of his eldest brother until he got a job in a dental laboratory six months later.
    The people currently arriving aren't here to work; they're here to live off charity; government charity which is derived from your taxes. I always thought charity came from the heart, not from my taxes.
    In other words, we're being invaded: under the auspices of our own government, by our own government, with the aid of our churches.

  3. and this administration couldn't give a fuck if they tried
