Sunday, September 25, 2022

The latest NOAA Ian track



  1. That Bermuda High combined with that mid-Atlantic low West of Cabo Verde keeps pushing the eye further and further West towards Tallahassee. If it pushes hard enough, the eye just might make landfall in Honduras (sending more refugees fleeing North).

  2. The latest has the storm hitting the west coast at or slightly above Pinellas County as a category 4 storm....That's St. Petersburg/Clearwater....been a while....perhaps it's time for some new passes to form on the barrier house is just under 10 feet above sea level....just might find out if the flood insurance is worth the paper it's printed on....God bless all in the path of the storm....


The scotch in England is older that it is here...

  I sit corrected on my meme. It's actually three years and one day (for whatever difference the day makes). Whisky made in Scotland is ...