Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Clintons - fighting for relevance in an irrelevant world. Maybe they're broke - who knows?

Courtesy of Breitbart - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton sees a troubled world on fire with strife and tensions and is convinced he has just the means to save it.
That is why he is calling on “governments, businesses, philanthropies and other prominent institutions” to back the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the meeting of international leaders, when it reconvenes Monday for the first time since 2016.
This year’s guest list includes an almost 'A-list' of lib idiots from Hollyweird and beyond. The likes of Matt Damon, Bono, Ashley Judd, Robin Wright and Lin-Manuel Miranda, along with Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, Laurene Powell Jobs, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Jose Andres and Queen Rania of Jordan. are included.

Clinton claims to be “amazed” by the massive response to the event resuming once more after the delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
“The world’s on fire in a lot of different ways,” he told the Associated Press in an interview Monday. “But there are a lot of things that businesses, non-governmental groups and governments working together can do to help with a lot of these problems.”

Sign me up, Hill - I'm in...


  1. sHillary is getting ready for a run in 24.

  2. Hopefully off a cliff or into traffic on the interstate.

  3. The Clintons must be "dead flat broke" again.

  4. Chelsea planning another wedding? Or Bill? Hill? Just say no to scammers.

  5. "We were so broke we could hardly afford the payments on our 4 homes".....crooked Hillery....

  6. What is it in them both that they can't just go away like Bush did. Almost.


On the beach in Port Noo