Thursday, September 15, 2022

So basically, if they hate you (or if your a just a Republican), you can't do anything right...


The Fed sends all kindsa money to all of the states with all of this 'recovery spending' that's gonna bankrupt the whole country, but here in Florida we run a balanced budget (It's in the State constitution - they have to), so we don't need the money Sammy's sending the state. 
What does our rock-star Governor do? He decides that all of the front-line guys and gals - the first responders who broke their asses during the Covid bullshit - deserve a little reward, so he diverts some of the Federal dough and gives them all a little thank you from the State.
Liberal media, however, cannot bring itself to acknowledge the reward for what it is, and certainly can't give DeSantis credit for doing ANYTHING, so they write this bullshit. What a fucked-up country. Look at this:





Whether this report from NPR is true or not (they hedge a lot in the reporting) I think this shit is just plain friggin' brilliant. You cutesy little Libs wanna be known as some kinda bullshit 'sanctuary city'? Good - Sancuate this ya friggin' jugheads...
About 50 migrants arrived by plane in Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Wednesday on a flight paid for by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and that originated in San Antonio, Texas.
The migrants touched down at about 3:15 p.m. local time. Later Wednesday, a spokesperson for DeSantis sent a statement to NPR and other news outlets confirming that the migrants were transported by Florida under a state program that was funded by the legislature earlier this year. The statement reads in part: "States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration." The original article is here:


The pussification of America marches on. I don't even understand a couple of the new rules. They're doing away with the 'shift', which is just plain fuckin' stupid - now all four infielders must have both feet entirely on the infield dirt when the pitcher is on the rubber and two infielders must be entirely on either side of second base or the batter will be rewarded with a ball (see below). They're also making the base pads bigger and a buncha other stupid shit they think will create more offense and more fan interest. Read this article if you're a baseball fan. Be careful though, you might wanna puke after your read it:

Sly Stallone must have (at least so far) lived the greatest life out of just about anyone, don'tcha think?. Here he is with his second (or third or fourth - who the fuck knows?) wife Brigitte Nielsen.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has signed into law a 'social media transparency measure' that he says protects residents from hate and disinformation posts spread through social media platforms. 
A.B. 587 will require social media companies to publicly post their policies regarding hate speech, disinformation, harassment and extremism on their platforms and report data on their enforcement of the policies.
“California will not stand by as social media is weaponized to spread hate and disinformation that threaten our communities and foundational values as a country,” 
Newsom said in a statement. “Californians deserve to know how these platforms are impacting our public discourse, and this action brings much-needed transparency and accountability to the policies that shape the social media content we consume every day.” 

Our country is in such a state of whiney-assed, complain-about-everything, overly-offended-by-everything liberal fucked-uppedness that they probably couldn't even get away with that headline these days. Somewhere along the line we've lost our balls AND our sense of humor. WTF happened?

If you've been thinking of getting something from 
my wife's Jewelry Collection, do it today. 
Click on this picture and it'll open in a new tab. Thanks!

Recognize this major babe? This is how you might remember her:



The Babs, moi and sister-in-law Caroline in Donegal Town square. It's a cute little town but there ain't all that much to do there. Just proving that I actually was away when I said I was.





  1. Stallone is a little guy at 5'3" or 5'4". He was staying at the same hotel as I was in Savannah GA where I saw him at the pool bar back in the 90's.

  2. The one thing the governors sending illegals on to the centers of liberal sanctuaries should add to their repertoire is to filter out the worst of the illegals, the criminals, the drug dealers, the sexual assaulters, the sex trafficers, the ones who have been previously deported, and send THEM to these "sanctuaries." Give them the worst of the worst.

  3. I'm gonna go ahead and call the Electrick Mustang the Edsel 2.0 right now.
