Sunday, September 18, 2022

If we can't play, nobody can...

Yeshiva University in New York City, reacting to a Supreme Court ruling denying their attempt to block an LGBTQ+ student organization, has decided to suspend all student groups.
According to YU’s independent student newspaper, The Commentator, the university announced the move in an email to students. The message said the school is taking the time to follow the Supreme Court’s ruling, which said they needed to pursue the matter in state court.
“Considering the upcoming Chagim,” the letter said, using the Hebrew word referring to the Jewish high holidays, “the university will hold off on all undergraduate club activities while it immediately takes steps to follow the roadmap provided by the US Supreme Court to protect YU’s religious freedom.”
So, bottom line is, if the drag queens and the fairies can't have a club of their own, nobody can have one. God bless America. Jeez...

Here's a thought. Girls can be in the Boy Scouts, but boys 
can't be in the Girl Scouts or Brownies. Think about it.



  1. "The drag queens and the fairies" still won, if only for a short time; then they find themselves in the Third Ring of the Seventh Circle.

  2. Update
    ...If the child is recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts can serve her... Should any girl requiring special accommodations wish to camp, GSUSA recommends that the local council makes similar accommodation that schools across the country follow in regard to changing, sleeping arrangements, and other travel-related activities.

    Psychologist states that being a girl is a state of mind not biological.

  3. Psychologists are all full of shit and my statement stands. Boys cannot be Girl Scouts
