Monday, September 12, 2022

Grilled octopus tacos. In Belfast. Go figure...



  1. Now I Love a big feast of Mexican food , BUT octopus tentacle tacos ? Sorry , gotta draw the line somewhere.

  2. Was tasty as fuck but VERY rich. Dinner for six with drinks $ 180.00

  3. Recognise the plates and the charred limes. We ate there recently in the evening, the padron peppers were really good and the tacos were pretty tasty, I had lamb tacos. Big thumbs up from me. Thumping dance music, not so much.

    1. Wow - who are you and where? You really can't be from the restaurant are you? I didn't name it in the post. Well played, my friend.

  4. Not from the restaurant ( did you see the staff? I am much too old!) but a reader who lives within a shortish drive of said establishment. I learnt to make tacos at home, there being no place to get them before this place opened. I thought it was a tad expensive but everywhere is here these days. Cheaper to learn to make the stuff at home.


Good Morning...