Monday, September 19, 2022

Did Joe really mean what he said? Or did he say what he meant to say? Whatever he said , evidently, it was wrong...


NY Post - President Biden declared the COVID-19 pandemic “over” during an interview that aired Sunday night — and immediately sparked a bitter backlash from progressives and liberal Democrats.
Biden repeatedly asserted that the pandemic was in the nation’s rear-view mirror while speaking to CBS’ “60 Minutes” at the Detroit Auto Show last week.

“The pandemic is over,” he said. “We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over.”  Now all the lib Dems are pissed off at him. They wanted it to last until at least the mid-terms. Dammit, Joe, ya did it again...



  1. Hey liberals: Der Anführer hat gesprochen. Get in step .

  2. Brain Dead Biden's Puppet Masters have spoken. Biden only says what he is programed to say and that is by script.

  3. He clearly mispoke, because the midterm elections haven't happened yet and the cheating lying Democrats need to have the pandemic excuse for repeating the mail-in ballot fraud,

  4. He's good for at least one flub a day now...
