Saturday, September 17, 2022

By far, this is the best move by any Governor anywhere when it comes to bussing illegals outta their states...

I thought DeSantis' move to 'The Vinyud' was cool, but Abbot's gone and Trumped him on this one.
On Saturday morning at the Naval Observatory in DC, a charter bus with Texas plates dropped off about 50 people (left), mostly from Venezuela, including several children and a one-month-old infant. Three additional buses arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan (inset) early on Saturday, days after the border crisis shot to national attention when a plane full of migrants arrived on Martha's Vineyard. On Thursday (right), Texas confirmed responsibility for sending two buses of migrants to the Naval Observatory, the vice president's residence.
The full story is here:



- Some copy and art courtesy of  


  1. I appreciate the frequent posting of that lovely lass bouncing into those jeans.
