Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bread is $ 3.00 a loaf and this is the shit they're worried about?

 Fuck draining the swamp - that isn't gonna cut it any more. Drop a nuke on the motherfucker and start from scratch... 
There's something truly insidious about these tree-huggers. They couldn't give a shit if they tried that REAL inflation is well over 25%. It's insanity that people re-elect these pieces of shit.

They're worrying about the gases that come out of window air conditioners and you're concerned with whether or not you're gonna be able to afford to heat your house this winter. How upside-fuckin-down is that priority-wise?


Although I'm not a big fan of his, he did make a coupla good movies. Legend has it he was one the biggest hounds in Hollywood and 
may have had as many as ten kids nobody knows about.

This is one of the three town squares here in The Villages - it's about a mile from my house. They have live music seven nights a week, 365 days a year. Those neighbors who're drunk exhibitionists dance in the squares. These people are in to 'line dancing' - I'm in to the bar across the street if you need me.


The so-called Kigali Amendment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on ozone pollution requires participating nations to phase down production and use of hydrofluorocarbons, also known as HFCs, by 85% over the next 14 years, as part of a global phaseout intended to slow climate change.

This is the stupidity they're worried about.

If this is a painting I'll eat my hat.

I'm at mixed emotions about this island. I have a dozen or more friends who live there, and it's not an easy place to live on the best of days. The government is double-whammy fucked up. When your leaders are both inept and corrupt, there's almost no way out. 
If I had my druthers - and I know I can get some flack for this - I'd rather see Puerto Rico as an independent country instead of the territory is is now. That place probably costs us $ 50,000,000,000 a year, and gives us very little in return. That is only my opinion, and I lived in the Caribbean for ten years, so at least I have some perspective. Don't jump down my shit.


Florida Republicans prefer Governor DeSantis to former president Trump in a hypothetical matchup for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination, a notable shift since February, when the same poll found that a majority of Floridians preferred the former president.
DeSantis leads Trump 48 percent to 40 percent, according to a recent USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll University poll. That’s an improvement in support for DeSantis’ presidential prospects since February, when he lagged behind Trump 40 percent to 47 percent.
- From National review       




And you wonder why your big sister spent so much time in her bedroom...

Check out this massive 16th Century Sculpture of a Guardian Colossus. First erected in 1580, this enormous stone structure watches over the pond in front of it like a guardian of nature. I'm sure, at least at some point, there was some religious significance to this. just not sure what religion that might be.
It's called the Apennine Colossus (In Italian: Colosso Appenninico) and it's a stone statue approximately 40' high in the estate of the Villa Demidoff in Vaglia, Tuscany in Italy. Giambologna . Flemish sculptor Jean de Boulogne created the colossal figure, a personification of the Apennine mountains, in the late 1580s.






  1. I swear they focus on inane crap so they can say they don't have time to deal with the real problems. And we're supposed to shrug and accept it.

  2. DeSantis is on a roll and has things to finish in Florida. Trump finishes the job he started and then hands the reigns over to DeSantis in 2028. Best of both worlds.

  3. "The government is double-whammy fucked up. When your leaders are both inept and corrupt, there's almost no way out. "
    and here I thought you were talking about Puerto Rico


Somebody forgot to tell Joe he isn't running again. Again...

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