Monday, August 29, 2022

What kind of 'service animal' do you have? Bet it's not one of these...

Parkgoers who were cooling off at a fountain at Philadelphia's Love Park on Friday got quite the shock when they had an up-close encounter with an alligator. The reptile, who was being walked on a leash by a young girl, seemed to be trying to beat the heat under the refreshing spray of the fountain. Wally the Alligator is the emotional support animal of Joie Henney - a Philadelphia man and longtime reptile rescuer who has worked with alligators for 30 years. 
Video taken by bystanders at the park over the weekend show the gator sauntering along on his leash, greeting people, and at one point lying on his stomach in a puddle to cool off. 

Wally's owner Henney, who was not far from his pet at the park that day, runs several social media accounts documenting the life of his beloved gator, with the help of close friend Mary Johnson and her children. 'They just had a blast,' Henney told CNN. 'People came as soon as they heard Wally was there to get a hug and get a photo with him.'

I don't care what you say or who the guy us or what his motivations are. You cannot domesticate these thins - they're friggin' dinosaurs ferfucksake...

1 comment:

  1. Service animals.....what bullshit! Service animal is a dog helping the blind. Went to a restaurant in Bird in Hand PA. The have a smorgasbord. 2 groups of people walk in. both have multiple "service dogs". Pomeranians, dachunds and maybe a Shih Tzu. They get up to go the food and leave the dogs under the table. 30 seconds later they all spot each other. Hell breaks loose as dogs are every where. Yeah, "service dogs", my ass.
