Saturday, August 27, 2022

Oh, no! Not Bernie again! Say it ain't so, Joe...

Sen. Bernie 'Fruit-loop Bernie' Sanders clocked in with the highest favorability rating among a list of 23 potential 2024 presidential contenders, according to a new USA Today-Ipsos poll. Forty-six percent of respondents said they had at least a somewhat favorable view toward Sanders, while 41 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion.
President Biden had the second-highest favorability rating at 43 percent, although his unfavorability rating was notably higher than Sanders’s, with 52 percent of those surveyed saying they had an unfavorable opinion of the president. Former President Trump clocked in with the same ratings as Biden.
The three political figures were followed in the poll by other well-known potential candidates, while possible contenders with a smaller national profile were seen as unfamiliar by most voters.
Vice President Harris and former Vice President Mike Pence both received favorable ratings from at least 40 percent of respondents, earning the third- and fourth-highest figures among the candidates, respectively. Tell me THAT isn't even scarier...
Is she talking to Willie Brown?

1 comment:

  1. You think Biden is bad? The city of Burlington, VT still has not recovered from Bernie's term of mismanagement as mayor.
