Sunday, August 28, 2022

A great story about a real-life scumbag is always good reading...

Whitey Bolger was a complete dirtbag his whole life. He was the role model for Jack Nicholson's character in the movie 'The departed'. 
He was a killer, a thief and a rat who lived a double life almost his entire life. He managed to live on the lam for two decades, but didn't last two hours in a federal slam. It's a great story. 
You can read this report here:


  1. "He managed to live on the lam", not the poor little Pascal guy

  2. I'm sure he was just Doing His THANG.... Who are we to Judge? He should've just went into politics and he'd be considered a Stand Up Guy....


Could this be the stupidest protest group you've ever seen?

  The monthlong celebration of LGBTQ Pride finally ended on Sunday, bringing rainbow-laden revelers to the streets in New York, Chicago, San...