Tuesday, August 9, 2022

77 years ago. Ten years before I was born, there was a VERY loud noise in Nagasaki...

 Today is the 77th anniversary of the Atomic bomb being dropped on that city... 
It's estimated that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and then 
Nagasaki saved as many as 1,000,000 lives.
Nagasaki is a Japanese city on the northwest coast of the island of Kyushu. It’s set on a large natural harbor, with buildings on the terraces of surrounding hills. It is synonymous with a key moment during World War II, after suffering an Allied nuclear attack in August 1945. 

The event is memorialized at the city’s Atomic Bomb Museum 
and Peace Park. The city has been rebuilt and is again 
a major port city and manufacturing center.

Here's a great web page explaining the why and how of it all:



  1. This was also the date that Sharon Tate was murdered back in 69.

  2. The first atomic bomb was diverted from Tokyo because of low-deck clouds (Norden bombsight)...


Here's one for ya, Auntie...