Monday, July 18, 2022

What's a guy to do when there's no bartender on duty - especially after the joint is closed...

ORLANDO, Fla. – It sounds almost like a punchline to a joke: A man walks into a theme park bar and pours himself a drink. The end result, in reality, is less funny, but that’s exactly what happened to a man arrested at Universal’s Volcano Bay water park. 
An guy evidently was able to just walk into a Volcano Bay restaurant after hours, poured himself a drink and broke the doors to get out of the place, Orlando police said.
An Illinois resident Thomas Burage, 32, (yeah - he didn't even have a 'Florida Man' costume on) was arrested in connection with the incident and faces burglary and petit theft charges.

According to police, the man was seen on surveillance video walking into Krakatoe Katy’s after it had closed, going behind the counter and pouring an alcoholic drink without permission.
After that, officers said the man tried to exit but the doors were locked, so he slammed his shoulder into the door a few times, causing the locks on the doors to break. 
Authorities identified Burage because two hours later, he went to Universal Security to get help for an item he lost. He was still wearing the same green swim trunks and the pink belt bag. 

Universal Security quickly identified Burage as the suspect for the break-in that had just occurred. The Orlando Police Department was notified. According to an arrest affidavit, the damage to the doors cost about $1,700 and the stolen drink amounted to about $50.
Isn't anybody gonna question the fact that the fuckin' drink - ONE drink - cost $ 50.00? Oh, that's right - it's in Universal Theme Park.

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Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

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  1. Just over 20 years ago I was a project manager for a software development company. The company had box seats at the arena in Atlanta. There were no clients to be entertained and a group of us obtained the tickets to the box seats. One of the "young and dumb" crew drank a little much and when our booze ran out he jumped the wall to the unoccupied booth next to ours and raided their fridge. I had the good since to leave when he jumped the wall as did 3 others. Everybody that stayed behind got put on probation and missed their annual raise. The dipshit that jumped the wall lasted till they were able to train a replacement.

  2. Touche my friend - well played...
