Friday, July 1, 2022

'Snip me Doc - I don't wanna have kids...'

 Vasectomy inquiries and procedures are on the rise in Florida following the Roe vs. Wade reversal... 
I'm sure it's the same all over the country.

NORTH MIAMI, Fla. – The decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade has lead to a spike in the number of men scheduling vasectomies, according to a South Florida doctor, although I'll be damned if I can figure out what one thing has to do with another.
Dr. David Robbins is a urologist based in North Miami who performs hundreds of vasectomies every year. “I think yesterday specifically was when my staff really started to notice a change,” said Robbins.
Following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision last week overturning Roe vs. Wade, he says calls to his clinic have been non-stop.
“Whereas we’re doing 400 to 500 a year, maybe between 8 to 16 or 20 a week, now all of a sudden just yesterday, the volume was noticeable from the staff. So I was in the operating room yesterday and the staff called me up and said wow, we got an incredible number of phone calls today. Specifically people citing this change in law,” said Robbins.
The Roe reversal means access to abortion now depends on which state people live in. In the state of Florida, lawmakers passed a ban on abortions after 15 weeks, a law that been reversed in court as being unconstitutional.


Another one I don't exactly 'get'...


Where have we heard this before?
Biden calls for dropping filibuster rules 
to pass abortion rights into law.
Biden's views on using the filibuster turn around faster than a weather vane 
in a tornado. One week he's for it, the next he forgets what he is for or against. 
Biden, who served in the Senate for 36 years and really didn't do anything meaningful there in all those years, said that he believes the filibuster has been "abused," but that the alternative of getting rid of it could be worse.
 Just a few months ago, in an interview with CNN's resident genius Don Lemonhead about voters rights: 
"There's no reason to protect it other than you're going to throw the entire Congress into chaos and nothing will get done. Nothing at all will get done. And there's a lot at stake. The most important one is the right to vote."
Back in March of last year, though,  White House press secretary Jen Psaki said “The president’s preference is not to get rid of the filibuster,” , repeating Biden’s position on maintaining the rule. “His preference is not to make different changes to the rules, to the filibuster rules.”
Bottom line on this? If it's something he wants, he wants to change the rules to suit himself. Fuck that and fuck him. Juss' sayin'...


Guy is having a career year and it's not a coincidence that he's a free agent after this year. I really do wonder WTF Cashman was thinking when they were trying to hammer out a contract extension prior to the start of the season. I hope he's still a Yankee for many years to come. There was even talk of him being named 'Team Captain', a title that means he's the face of the franchise, in the way the Jeter and Gehrig were...


Interesting little online poll thing I ran across yesterday on a 'liberal leaning' website. The results are not what I might have suspected, considering what I thought their readership profile might have been.


The Supreme Court on Thursday dealt a major blow to climate action by handcuffing the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate what are falsely-named 'planet-warming' emissions from the country's power plants, just as scientists warn the world is running out of time to get the climate crisis under control.



Every once in a while I run across an old print ad like this one, and granted it's 70 years old, but I still think to myself how wonderful it must have been to work in the industry back in the days when ads were purposefully beautiful, but also did such a great job describing the product. Nowadays you can read an entire ad and not have a clue what the product is, who makes it and what it's for. Know what I mean?


Can you tell me why we need shit like this? 
(That's the collective 'we' - don't include me in this clusterfuck)
What kind of fucked-up, warped, bullshit, fuck-with-your-kids-heads agenda do these twisted motherfuckers have going here? 
Disney-owned Marvel Comics is set to debut its first openly gay Spider-Man, with effeminate characteristics, dressed in lace, in an upcoming book due out in September.
The comic book company first informed fans of its plans with a June 16 solicitation, that described the new character as, “WEB-WEAVER: A not-so-mild mannered fashion designer at Van Dyne gets spider-powers and shows us a very different kind of Spider-Slayer,” but the bigger issue is why do we need shit like this?


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


I think that number is alarmingly high. That's pretty fuckin' scary if it's true. Juss' sayin'...





1 comment:

  1. Why "Walt"? Stan Lee is probably spinning in his grave.


A great 'Midnight rider'...