Friday, July 8, 2022

Real leaders do just that - they lead. So what do representatives do when they don't represent everyone?

 To be a leader you have to be forthright and commanding. Like DeSantis and Abbott are. And like Squinty Joe is definitely not... 

Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday cleared state authorities to return migrants they apprehend to the border, setting up a potential clash with the federal government over the authority to enforce immigration law, which the federal government refuses to do.
Immigration law enforcement is supposed to be a federal responsibility. Abbott appears to be testing the limits of state authority by empowering state law enforcement and National Guard troops under state deployment to bring migrants back to their original ports of entry - stopping short of using state resources to expel migrants from the country, as immigration hawks have increasingly called for in recent months.
It was not immediately clear how state law enforcement would determine which migrants should be transported. 

It is also not yet known how the federales' will respond, but you can be certain it will be some lame-ass bullshit response. If he starts this program today, you can also guarantee that by Monday 15 different jerkoff 'immigrant groups' will file lawsuits against the governor.

“While President Biden refuses to do his job and enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress, the State of Texas is once again stepping up and taking unprecedented action to protect Americans and secure our southern border.” 
 - Gov. Greg Abbott                        


Two girls let their pet ducks take a swim in 
horse watering trough in Washington, D.C. in 1927.





So you didn't want to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, 
but now you want the President to get you out of jail. 
Do I have that correct?

The detained US basketball player Brittney Griner has pleaded guilty to drug possession and smuggling charges during her trial in Moscow, Russian news agencies reported on Thursday.
Griner’s trial began last week amid a growing chorus of calls for Washington to do more to secure her freedom nearly five months after her arrest.
The athlete was detained in February at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport after vape canisters with cannabis oil were allegedly found in her luggage. 
According to the Russian state news agency Tass, Griner’s translator told the court she pleaded guilty to the charges but said she had acted unintentionally 'because she packed in a hurry.'
She faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of large-scale transportation of drugs.



That's just a great name for a business. Well played...
Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention at the Whiskey 
in LA in 1966. That makes me feel very, VERY old...

This is the The Oriental Theater in Chicago. Built in a time when pleasing the eye 
was at least as important as function. Not many things are these days, sadly...

They gave her our nation's highest civilian honor for what? 


What do you suppose it is that these scumbags think he represents that will not leave him alone? They've thrown everything but the kitchen knives at him and they haven't come up with shit. I think they're afraid he will rock them out of the boat if he gets back in. That's gotta be it - it can't just be the mean tweets. At least I hope to fuckin' god it isn't just the tweets...

One last parting thought for this morning. Why do you suppose we prioritize things the way we do? I know why...

Because we're idiots. That's why, and that's the only reason.

Want to find a nice gift for a special woman in your life? 
Click on the picture or this link to see what my wife has 
to offer in here Etsy shop:

Get used to it - she's gonna be here for a LONG time...



  1. Weird hairdos or not, the 80s kicked ass.

    And Abbott let 2 million illegals cross the border so fuck him. After Biden came right out and said he would cancel DJT's immigration policies, Abbott should have had the Texas National Guard on the border the day after the election was stolen.
