Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How bad is it really? Don't ask Joe - he don't know...

The United States is seeing one of the highest inflation rates among developed countries, after government officials announced on Wednesday that inflation reached a 41-year high of 9.1 percent in June. The country is now on par with the United Kingdom, which has also reported a 9.1 percent inflation rate due to increased energy, fuel and grain costs amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. But of the world's major economies, the US and UK are tied for the sixth highest inflation rate - behind Turkey, Russia, Poland and Spain, according to international market watcher Trading Economies.



  1. If you believe US inflation is only 9.1%, I have some land in Florida for sale, cheap. From what I understand, "they" changed the method by which the official inflation rate is calculated. More than once, in the last half century. From what I can gather, using the older method yields a rate that is closer to 20%, than 10%.

    1. Yeah - they exclude stupid shit like food and fuel. crazy, huh?


Figure this one out, Auntie...