Wednesday, June 8, 2022

When the woke wake up shit happens...

Chesa Boudin (pictured center after the loss), 41, had been widely expected to lose his job and 60.5 per cent of voters made their feelings clear over his woke policies by deciding to recall him. Only 24 percent of the city's electorate of 495,000 turned out, with 70,730 voting against the DA with some ballots remaining to be counted (tally inset). Recall proponents cheered the news at a victory party, with California state leaders of the hotel and retailers associations lauding Boudin's removal as a sign that visitors, shoppers and employees will be prioritized again in a city that relies heavily on tourism. Boudin (left, pictured canvassing yesterday), a former public defender elected in January 2020, was made the target of a multi-million-dollar recall campaign earlier this year by residents who say the city has become an increasingly unsafe place to live due to his soft-on-crime policies (pictured right: residents protesting the DA yesterday ahead of the vote). You can read the full article here: 



This is what we are capable of, and yet we spend so much 
time and effort and energy on foolishness. 
It's kinda sad, actually...



In crisis after crisis, the White House has found itself either limited or helpless in its efforts to combat the forces pummeling them. Morale inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is plummeting amid growing fears that the parallels to Jimmy Carter, another first-term Democrat plagued by soaring prices and a foreign policy morass, will stick.
“It’s something that has bedeviled quite a few previous presidents. Lots of things happen on your watch but it doesn’t mean there is a magic wand to fix it,” said Robert Gibbs, a press secretary under President Barack Obama, groping at a truly lame excuse to cover Biden's ass. “The limits of the presidency are not well grasped. The responsibility of the president is greater than the tools he has to fix it.”
The West Wing believes there is still time for a course correction. They also think if they could get monkeys to fly out of Joe's ass on prime-time TV, people would like him more than they do. I don't know - I might be swayed if he could pull that off. Juss' sayin'...

The word really did used to mean 
something completely different...

You look quickly at the headline and ya think 'Oh, man - that sucks' and then ya realize that it happened in Iran and you immediately think 'Only 17 dead? Fuck - shoulda been more...'
Yup - it's true. Great minds DO think alike.


Topless protesters run onto the court at WNBA game in Brooklyn with signs reading 'abortion on demand & without apology' to draw attention to impending SCOTUS decision that could overturn Roe v. Wade... 

The women - looks like three serious cows and maybe one half-way 
decent looking babe - 'stormed' the floor during the New York 
Liberty's game against the Minnesota Lynx on Tuesday night 
at Barclays Center in New York City.  

They're seen in multiple videos taken by fans in attendance 
walking onto the court holding signs, with some only covered up 
by what appeared to be green paint. 
As the women ran onto the court, several banners and signs could 
be seen held up by abortion rights supporters, going to 
prove once again, that people are idiots, and liberal protesters 
are the biggest of them all.

Look at the size of this huge crowd outside Braves Field. Waiting to get in to the stadium to see Red Sox and Phillies in 1915 World Series. 105 years ago. jeez...


California Governor Gavin Newsom celebrated news of his early primary victory on Tuesday by declaring his state to be the “antidote” to what ails America — which, in his view, is the Republican Party and the things for which it stands.
California also leads the nation in average fuel prices and in poverty. It suffers from electricity blackouts during peak demand periods,  thanks to overly ambitious green energy policies that Newsom himself admitted were a problem.
Despite its wealth, and high taxes, the state is near the bottom of educational achievement and is suffering a violent crime wave. Its demographic diversity masks a political monoculture that has seen the Democratic Party govern virtually without opposition, leading to an exodus of small business owners and middle-class families who cannot afford the cost of living. 
Crime is rampant, drug use is out of control, taxes are crushing the middle-class, forest fires decimate the state annually, and many other problems too numerous to get in to here, and he hasn't solved a single one of these problems since being in office. 
Good luck with the job search, Gav...

I guess they really don't build 'em like they used to, huh? 
This is the lobby of the Opera Garnier in Paris.
 Pretty fuckin' impressive, n'est pas?


In case ya didn't know, the upper west side of Manhattan is a very ritzy, very expensive upper-crusty kinda neighborhood - one of those areas where you'll see the butler walking the people's pet leopard kinda things. This is somebody's great idea for fleecing these idiots. I wish them great success...





  1. OMG... did you HAVE to show the pics of the cows at the WNBA? I hope someone called the farmer who owns them to let him know that they've got out again.


But summer's almost over, Calvin...