Thursday, June 9, 2022

What can you believe in anymore?

And for the record? I ALWAYS knew those buttons were bullshit. Juss' sayin'... 
This one in the County Court Building (don't ask why I was there) just 'kinda' fell off. Just like the ones at the crosswalks. They are cruelly-crafted and bitterly designed placebos for impatient idiots. What a society - what a world we live in... 





Juss' so ya know? Still haven't...

The Duke of York Pub in Belfast - a VERY cool little bar. 
This place is a 'must find' if you are ever in Ireland...

I bet if you asked him to roll a doobie he probably could...

Can you imagine being such a feeble-footed feckless fuck 
that even MSDNC has to report on it every time you stumble? 
It's like some kind of twisted, macabre death-watch.


The saddest part of this whole bullshit tap dance they're doing in Congress is that they think we think they're doing the right thing. We understand completely that the only reason for doing this bullshit dog and pony show is to prevent DJT from running for President again, which, of course, if you knew The Donald even the least little bit, you'd know this friggin' nonsense won't even put a tiny ding in his ego-armor. What a bunch of bullshit this is - and they, our so-called 'representatives, should be dragged across the floor of the house and tossed into the street where they belong.


This is the last-known photo of Jimi Hendrix, taken on Sept 17th, 1970. 
He and his girlfriend Monika Danneman spent the day together, visiting the King’s Road, the Cumberland Hotel and the Kensington Market. By around 2 p.m., he was sitting in a garden area outside the apartment enjoying some tea while Monika took photographs of him holding his favorite Fender Stratocaster guitar that he called the “black beauty”. He died that night...


Atelier Longhi is named after Venetian painter Pietro Longhi, a 1700s’ artist especially renowned for his paintings of daily life, with constant references to the world of theater.
Tailor Francesco Briggi opened the Atelier in 1994 following his passion for history and costumes, and started creating precious, historical unique clothes and accessories. 
His pieces are inspired by works by Longhi as well as by other illustrious “muses” like Michelangelo, Raphael, William Hogarth, François Boucher and other great artists of the past, which Brigi loves and has studied for years.
The Atelier is an official partner of the Venice Carnival and an absolute point of reference for many of the companies having to do with historical re-enactments, such as Calcio Storico Fiorentino, the Venice Historical Regatta, the Noale Palio and the Festival of the Duke in Urbino.
There are also a number of museums, cinema and theater production companies, costume designers and collectors from the whole world who count on the Venetian workshop and its precision, leading to perfect reproductions that stem from careful analysis of historical paintings and original documents.

Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 
Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Can you imagine what would happen if she actually knew 
what the fuck she was talking about?


Here's a little personal throwback 
I wanna share with ya...
June 9, 1973. Me (on the left), Nancy Martinez and Frank Marchesano doing a farewell toast at Art Quimby's house in East Orange, NJ. 
We were headed for Oklahoma in Frank's SIMCA (a French POS car which of course did not make it to OKC) and then beyond (for Nancy & I) to Cali and places unknown. 
The roadtrip - mostly hitchhiking - lasted almost 15 months. What great adventures the two of us had! She was truly beautiful. And batshit crazy...

I ask this question seriously. I am not, and never have been 'homophobic'. I'm too fuckin' smart for that. I honestly don't give a shit how friggin' gay you are. I just don't wanna fuckin' hear about it 20 times a day. Seriously, there's nobody bitching about there's not enough big-titty girls out there for us to ogle, or anything else that might be over-the-top straight guy shit - you know what I mean. Ya wanna be gay or lezzie or queer or whateverthefuck you wanna be? Go for it. Just shut the fuck up about it. I may or may not get on this particular jag again in the future.


I like this guy - he makes a lot of sense when 
he speaks, and he has the right answers for 
a lot of issues.

You didn't know we have coyotes here, now didja?





  1. About that ersatz elevator button.... When I was an apprentice electrician, we remodeled an elementary school. When we ran the wiring for the thermostat, it was a single wire hanging in the return air duct. Every classroom had a thermostat on the wall (old bimetal type). I asked about that, and was told that they could only have one t-stat per zone. So they put it where no one could adjust it and gave all the teachers something to fiddle with.

    1. There's a lot of that going around these days...

  2. Strangely enough, I'll be in Belfast this weekend at Belsonic but I doubt I'll visit that pub because I'm going to the real Belfast, the one in Ulster.

    1. Iron Maiden? Dude - that's a friggin' party and a half. Well played...


Wishful thinking on Calvin's part...