Friday, June 10, 2022

Wanna see AOC cry? Evidently, she cries pretty easily...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Instagram live to make clear her feelings about the January 6 Capitol riot  hearing held Thursday night. Appearing visibly upset and angry, she laid blame with the Republican Party who she said 'have only committed hard to the lie' that event was not organized.  

And yes, that is her.

Ocasio-Cortez has long been vocal about her experiences during the riot. Last August she revealed how she feared she might be raped during the attack. The committee is trying to determine if Trump or members of his inner circle had a role in planning or encouraging the violent attack. It is expected to release its report in September, right before November's midterm congressional elections. More than 800 people have been arrested for their roles in the January 6 riot. The assault on the Capitol left at least five people dead and 140 police officers injured and followed a fiery speech by Trump to thousands of his supporters.

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  1. forget about deranged, demented Napoleons as POTUS, we've elected (?) a pole dancer into Congress

    1. I gotta fess up - she's pretty hot lookin' in that GIF...

  2. It's good to see the Congresscritters scared.


Even more 'Archie out of context'...