Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Thinking about an electric F-150? Think again...

Ford has started to deliver the F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck, but some dealers are taking advantage of the demand. One of them was spotted doubling the price of the electric pickup by adding a $69,000 markup.
Ford has about 200,000 reservations for the electric pickup truck, and its dealers are currently trying to convert those reservations into orders.
With Ford reportedly planning to produce only about 40,000 units this year before ramping up production to 150,000 units next year, there’s a lot more demand for the F-150 Lightning than what Ford can deliver in the near future.
Some Ford dealers have been taking advantage of that demand by charging extremely high “market adjustment” prices on top of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. We previously tracked some of those premiums and saw some as high as $30,000. 
But now there's a listing from one scumbag dealer that beats the shit out of that record. An F-150 Lightning was marked up by $69,000 at Gary Smith Ford in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
I hope he has to put salt and pepper on that fucker and be forced to eat it.


  1. Hit that dealer with a "Windfall Profits Tax".

  2. Anyone stupid enough to buy an electric pickup truck gets what they deserve. I think the dealers ought to triple the price and really soak the ignorant virtue-signalers.

  3. F350 and F450 trucks are also in the over demand category as well. They are going for $10k to $20k over sticker.

  4. And for California owners that does NOT include the $20k diesel generator you need to charge the thing.
    Provided you bought it to RIDE of course. If all you want to do is Virtue Signaling may I suggest you send ME the money. I'll praise you on social media.


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