Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sucker punched by a kangaroo? Seriously?

Kangaroos are known to box with each other - but it’s rare to see 
a human and a kangaroo actually duke it out. Yet that’s exactly what happened for more than six minutes in Argyle, Australia, recently, when a kangaroo began going after a man’s dogs in his yard. The man — a father and grandfather — reportedly described the animal as a “six-foot mad roo.” The kangaroo went after the guy! 
In the video you can see exactly what happened. At one point, still trying to fend off the kangaroo, the man grabbed a stick — but the kangaroo kept coming at him. Meanwhile, the man’s dogs were barking wildly but couldn’t come to his aid because they were behind a fence in the yard.
The man is shown at one point wrestling the animal to the ground to try to subdue it.In an interview with an Australian television station, the man, Cliff Dess, said he has bruises on his body.He said his dogs were barking in the yard - and that he went out to see what was going on. 
He said the kangaroo was “in an aggressive mood.” Dess said he tried shooing the animal away, but that didn’t work, as the animal put up its claws and began chasing him. So, ultimately, “I fought it off with a stick,” the guy said.


  1. Bet he wishes he had a Louisville Slugger handy!

  2. A PPK woulda worked too - then he woulda had RooBurgers for dinner...

  3. Has he been arrested yet for hurting one of Australia's favorite minority groups?

  4. That's one reason we have guns. Woulda shot that damn thing full of holes. Last thought it would have had would have been, 'Damn, brought claws to a gunfight.' Aussies used to be considered fairly bright folk. Getting rid of all you guns? Not that smart. Now you have to fight your own government AND the damn wildlife.
