Monday, June 6, 2022

If you tell a lie often enough to enough people...

 If the people you're talking to aren't complete fuckin' idiots, they'll know it's bullshit. Joe thinks we're complete fuckin' idiots...
'The President seems to be taking a lot of credit for what would have happened pretty much under any administration,' the Taxpayers Protection Alliance told 'But so, for him to say that Americans should feel more grateful, is really out of touch. Because the most basic things Americans need from gas to food are the prices are pretty out of control.' It comes as nationwide average gas prices reached yet another high on Monday, just surpassing $4.86 per gallon, according to the American Auto Association (AAA). The average was roughly $2.39 per gallon the week of January 25, 2021 - days after Biden was inaugurated.
You can read the full article here if you want to:


  1. I'm curious. Gas prices are set by oil companies (who are experiencing record profits, by the way). What, exactly, do you think the President should do to lower those prices? Are you saying he needs to nationalize the oil companies?

    1. (p)Resident BiteMe slapped a whole bunch of regulations on how to find, produce, and transport oil.
      Next thing you know the bozo is going to instigate Price Controls, and that will help grease the skid to Hell.
      Nationalize? Can you say, "Venezuela"?? How's *that* working out?

    2. There are 9,000 unused oil leases out there, so you can't claim that the 60-day moratorium at the start of his term made a difference. The halting of the expansion to the Keystone oil pipeline wasn't going to put any new gas into the USA anyway, so slowing it down hardly matters. Care to explain what regulations you're talking about? Or are you just puking up words on a subject you know nothing about?


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