Saturday, June 4, 2022

Here's a Buck - go have a beer...


Tell ya a funny (although it's really kinda tragic) little bullshit thing about how people get so jacked up about a little bit of perceived power. 
I followed a page on Fakebook that featured these kind of cartoons. 
Ya know - vintage playboy and other lame ass bullshit. Anyway, I would always post the cartoons to there after I finished posting them here. 
The 'admins' on the page didn't like the fact that I would link to the blog in the comment section, which I thought was cool because it wasn't part of the actual original post. They threw a fuckin' hissy fit at me for doing it, so ya know what?
 Fuck them and their lame-ass bullshit 'social media with rules' nonsense. Their loss is their loss. I could not give a fuck about that if I tried. 
I hope you guys enjoy them here, 'cause this is the only place you're probably gonna see 'em. Juss' sayin'...



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